the only way I end up there lately is through search results. even then half the time what im looking for got blanked out or deleted by someone leaving reddit.
the only way I end up there lately is through search results. even then half the time what im looking for got blanked out or deleted by someone leaving reddit.
sounds like contentEditable
got triggered on one of the elements on the page. if you want to try and get around this before they fix it you can press F12 and paste this into your console:
The funny thing is they’re arguing with someone who has been illegally evicted several times. What exactly do they expect poor people to do about it, hire a lawyer and sue? For the chance of what, getting back into a rental run by a now (more) hostile landlord? Get monetary damages? How much? Enough to buy a house? No? Then the problem just repeats.
Let’s pretend that OP is trying to find things outside their current wheelhouse, or wants to sample from recommendations to try and discover what they like. Not everyone is a fixed point with immutable preferences. Some people actually prefer broad recommendations so they can expand their tastes.
It’s clear you’ve never had to rent a property from a shitty landlord before or you’d know they would just evict you, condemn the property and sell the land to recoup their “investment” rather than pay $3000 of their hard earned money fixing the damage some ungrateful shit did to THEIR property. You keep coming up with convoluted hypotheticals that assume the landlord will always act in the best faith to justify a practice that fundamentally should not exist. One or two “good” landlords don’t redeem all of them.
Did the landlord have to risk losing his own home when the person who owns it decides they are done being a decent human and kicks them out for a higher paying tenant, or sells the property to another landlord who will do the same? Do they have to beg someone to come fix their shit in a timely manner or do they just call a repair man who doesn’t charge them $250/mo for the privilege of paying off someone else’s mortgage so they can call the repair man for you?
Are you aware that things exist which appeal to wide audiences? That some things are generally liked by most people? I can recommend things like that without having to be aware of your specific tastes.
I think the problem is on your end. It’s extremely easy to recommend a book. Watch:
You should read Ancillary Justice.
Using my “friends” to pay off a personal debt while making $250/mo in profit off them. See, it’s possible to be a good landlord, everyone!
Did you share any of what you made from the sale with your “friends” who helped you pay for it and kept it in good condition for you?
I helped write a browser extension for this game like 20 years ago. Last I heard it was rife with unmoderated Nazis. RIP
I think I’m beginning to see the source of your problem.