That part bugged me. The partial destruction of the moon would throw off so much of our environment. Tides, gravitational flux…
That part bugged me. The partial destruction of the moon would throw off so much of our environment. Tides, gravitational flux…
Thank you for your thoroughness. My experience started at the Genesis with “Mecha” and was not aware of the CD variant. Your knowledge is not wasted.
Given the grandfather/grandson montage, that sounds about right.
Just where my head went.
But there was the tease of Mecha Metal Sonic!
Edit: Thanks to for the most detailed correction I have ever received. Your response makes the word “pedantry” appear paltry in the presence of what you have presented before us. Thank you.
More a series of ongoing failures, whittling away of freedoms, vilification of the “other” (chosen targets periodically changing), and willful ignorance spread over decades. Just seems more focused these days and across more than the US.
You could be right.
Sure, but perhaps we could find a means different from what he was suggesting.
Appreciate the anecdote and the follow-up C.Y.A.
There are serious risks involved with altitude sickness, etc.
That being said, your lawyer-speak reminded me of SNL’s Happy Fun Ball.
Hey, we all make mistakes. Like that one Imperial general who came out of hyperspace too close to Hoth, alerting the rebels of their presence.
They absolutely have real and useful applications. Just saw an ad show up a few times in short succession and felt compelled to make something of it. The commercial mostly just showed pro athletes rather than people needing them for various medical reasons.
A real piece of work and apparently an accomplished astrophysicist.
Hey, champ. What has two thumbs and doesn’t give a crap?
Edit: now with game logo
Dude’s going line by line from The Room and making each into a meme. A behemoth endeavor deserving of our utmost respect.
Can’t help but also notice the glow on the booty in the background.
Thanks for the callout.