You would immediately die in agony. No oxygen and a lot more CO2 in the atmosphere
You would immediately die in agony. No oxygen and a lot more CO2 in the atmosphere
People like this don’t think it was wrong
jesus christ they’re dumb
Charybdis, hippo, appa, Momo, pabu
If you want to self-host, I recommend a used business thin client, docker + docker-compose, and Tailscale for access away from home if needed. Don’t forget to dump & back up nightly.
Edit: thin client because it beats a pi in every respect and doesn’t run on an SD card. Tailscale because you don’t have to open ports in your firewall and point a public domain at your house.
Or you could use hosted services, neon.tech and turso both offer really generous free tiers for SQL databases.
Or you could use a notebook and pen. Sometimes simplicity is king.
Interesting read, I learned some things that git can do and its’s cool to know it’s possible, but I get the sense that „I’m just used to doing it this way” is the author’s main reason. Making most project communication private is a huge sacrifice, and if all projects did things this way then open source development would be far worse off.
I could imagine an „account-less” git forge that uses email verification to create user sessions that then allow conversation and contribution under that email address and name. You’d have to click a magic link in your email every time you wanted to create a session, but they could be long-lived and you don’t have to manage a password.
Yes it’s an LLM called pandoc, you can run it locally
People don’t actually do this, right? Docker inside docker inside a VM inside another VM? On windows? Right???
Supreme Court has been playing calvinball since citizens united