She’s surely vaccinated though… Because until recently it was required, and the vaccine is like 97% effective
She’s surely vaccinated though… Because until recently it was required, and the vaccine is like 97% effective
No, we definitely want geniuses who find the work boring, like Einstein. Think of all they could accomplish when they’re stuck in a tower for long shifts of unstimulating work, think of all the math, art, and science they could produce sounds of planes crashing in the background
You mean there’s no evidence it was more rigged than usual… There’s evidence of voter suppression, gerrymandering, and sketchiness without real evidence
But ultimately, I think they’re talking about the Democrats - even now they’re talking about moving further right and working with Republicans, they actively oppose the change the people are demanding. They want to fight harder against the left, to ignore their supporters more, to get more in bed with the oligarchs
What about free healthcare? What about fixing housing? What about breaking up monopolies? What about our rights? It’s like everything that matters is totally off the table
Because he didn’t come here to sign it, he came to force Trump make his position clear to the world. He stayed calm, he thanked Trump plenty, he didn’t rise to the insults… He even printed out big pictures to hand to trump one at a time, they way he likes
He kissed the ring so he could make Ukraine’s position clear - they don’t trust Russia’s word, they have no doubt Russia will break any deal made without security guarantees, with good reason. They offered the trump white house investment opportunities to see if that would realign the US with Ukraine, but even if we were to cripple our future with the numbers Trump responded with, he’ll still give Russia everything Putin wants
He was the only adult in that room, and he wanted the world to see it. He made the US position clear (Trump’s position at least) - this isn’t a negotiation tactic or an an effort to get concessions, Trump supports Putin over America’s allies
And it worked. The EU immediately met when he returned, they announced deals for like 1.5 trillion over the next couple years to set up their own military production, and they’re preparing troops to mobilize
Sure… Until they’re overwhelmed with thousands of court cases, and any misstep can be used against them and slowly back them into a corner
This is a viable way to impede them… With a thousand cuts, constant depositions, constant fillings where any mistake has consequences
No… Well maybe, but they have something far more important to be doing - they should sue
Know what the goal of nonviolent resitance is? To get arrested, so you can get standing to sue. You can then challenge the law, over and over, until you find cracks. You can make them put affidavits on record.
And more importantly, you can drain resources. Tie up the courts, drain the budget, exhaust their lawyers. Make them deal with the work of going through endless depositions
All that other stuff is great… But this is a major avenue of attack, and they’ve got no idea what they’re in for
We like to forget, but civil rights weren’t a popular idea - the public being upset at the scale of disruption was what forced the white house to act back then. It might take a while, they might try to ignore the courts, but the bill will come due eventually
Oh no, these are separate events, it keeps happening
I didn’t realize I missed this. These days newsletters are so full of click bait they barely tell you anything, I just kinda figured the format sucked. But I liked this, this felt like the old Internet
It was weirdly calming to read through this… Maybe it was that it felt like you really weren’t trying to sell me anything, and so for a couple minutes I could let down my guard?
Don’t you know, it’s considered violence to use economics against the rich, that’s only allowed against the poors
Honestly they’re probably taking a loss to punish people who miss payments on their eggs. One person on the debt treadmill is worth a lot more than a few cents… Loans are so shady as an industry, the smaller they are the more they’re just looking to further exploit the poorest people
Either that or they think the dollar is about to deflate lol
Yes and no… They’re very similar conceptually and ingredients wise, but the experience is very different. Frying the outside really firms it up like a French fry, and you get that flavor and texture all around. They also sometimes will add weird things like olives and raisins to it, which is still good, but I don’t particularly like those to start with so I might be biased
You’ve got the right idea of what it is, but you really have to experience it for yourself - a lot of South and Central American countries have their own versions that are very similar, so if you go to a Latino restaurant that isn’t Mexican or Peruvian chicken, you’ll probably be able to find it.
I’ve never tried adding jalapenos to the onion topping though… That sounds delicious. I might have to make that, it is a great topping and adding some heat to it sounds even better
Oh it’s worse.
They’re not trying to figure it out as they go, they’ve drank the coolaid.
Musk and Trump were born into financial empires, everything they do fails but the people scrambling to pick up the pieces behind them got them huge wins and minimized loses
After a lifetime of this, their arrogance has grown to the point they’ve seen the people cleaning up after them as an obstacle. And now they’ve successfully found cultists willing to carry out their orders directly without question, there’s no longer layers of people saying “boss is demanding this, how can we make it not disasterous?”
More than anything, they just seem confused why people are getting so angry at them for doing what they’ve always done more effectively
Papa reyeñas(sp?). They’re so good, it’s basically mashed potatoes with ground beef mix inside, then fried/seared and baked until it sorta looks like a potato again. Then you take finely sliced red onions and soak them in lime juice for 12 hours so they get less harsh and use it like a topping
Honestly, I know how to do all off the top of my head except how long to boil the potatoes…I just would never put that much effort into my meals, so I would need a reason to cook it for others. There’s also a lot of cleanup, you need a frying pan you need a frying pan you wash twice, a big bowl, a masher, an oven dish, a lime squeezer, Tupperware (or a ziplock, but I get enough plastic), a knife, a spatula, and whatever serving dishes
I don’t enjoy cooking, but I’m pretty good at it when I want to be… But I have to want to be
What do you mean? No one stole it. A rogue DEI hire deleted the wallet keys, it happened right in front of me. I can’t give out their name, justice will be done though, but I can tell you they we’re very woke, definitely DEI, and they just tried to destroy my beautiful economy
-Trump on truth social in a month before he’s seen dropping a wallet fob and explaining that this is his wallet, no we can’t know the address, but he’s a billionaire and why would he steal money? But even if he did, it would’ve been the least America could do for such a great president. But he didn’t steal it, he’s a billionaire
Honestly, it’s scale. It dillutes the humanity to nothing, and all that remains is our worst selfish impulses
Communities become so large that bonds and reputation mean nothing. We create organizations to try to artificially recreate that, and they grow so large their primary purpose is to self purpetuate
It’s hard to muster up the will to hurt people right in front of you, it’s much easier if you can abstract it all to rules and numbers, and separate the actor from the decision maker
I think the only way something like communism works is like the fediverse - we need to find a way to weave ourselves into small communities that can act together. You can’t let power sit anywhere for long, or you’ll draw in power hungry sociopaths like flies - but inside a community they have to keep on good terms with others
We still have to collaborate, but if we shared methods and designs openly we could produce a lot of stuff locally. We don’t have to always be scaling up - if you have a thousand people, you don’t have to produce a 100k phones a year to make a phone. Working at that small scale even let’s you get creative and make better things - there’s all sorts of technologies that we don’t have access to only because they can’t be produced at scale
Plus it means people would be smarter and more skilled… Capitalism wants people to be interchangeable cogs, and that makes for craftsman that require a whole supply chain to be useful. Giving up scale means you have to make things last and be easily reparable. It means picking and choosing between your priorities
You had me at communication. That’s like 95% of any relationship… Literally everything is up in the air … Except being on the same page
Know what? I endorse it. Aside from the cyber truck, if you want to pretend, ok take that as “I was bamboozled”. But the cyber truck… There’s no hiding that. There’s no hiding the timeframe on that. You can’t just call that POS a Toyota
Sorry, but that’s a bridge too far. Deal with the consequences… It’s just spray paint, if anything it’s protective compared to the lack of any kind of paint. Take it on the chin
Ah, fair enough. Out of curiosity, what’s the context?
I mean, they’re ruining their search anyways. It’s almost unusable at this point, it’s like asking for relevant ads and two year old Reddit posts
Is it censorship? Did they decide to just straight up sell SEO? Are websites locking down and blocking their crawlers to stop AI training crawlers?
I legitimately find Bing to be better at this point, but whatever they’re doing it’s maddening. Even better AI assisted web searches kinda suck because the data fed into them is more of the same
But solid chance they’re trying to boost Gemini, which has been a shockingly bad llm for a company that basically wrote the book on AI not too long ago
And the parents are vaccinated