We’ve voted, we’ve protested, and still, they ignore us
They didn’t ignore the vote. Trump won. There doesn’t seem to be any evidence he rigged it. The people got exactly what they voted for.
Having a working unsubscribe mechanism is required by the CAN-SPAM act. Violations can carry a fine of $10k per email. When this has happened to me in the past, I’d email their customer service and Cc my states attorney general and the federal trade commission explaining that. It usually gets fixed pretty quick.
“Thou shalt not kill” is a pretty straightforward commandment. No qualifiers, no exceptions. No “go ahead and kill if you believe you’re justified”.
Per the New testament so long as you accept Jesus afterward and repent you should be fine though.
If you deleted the content the authorities have no evidence a crime was committed other than one witness saying “yes, totes CSAM”. They’re not going to be able to pursue the uploaders on that alone, and reporting it will only draw attention to yourself. If it was me I’d shut down or lock down the server and move on.
By law, you are not liable.
There are hundreds or thousands of different jurisdictions in the world. I don’t think you can say this confidently unless you know exactly where OPs server is located.
They did try to count the sheep but they kept passing out
This is more likely. These vast conspiracies like the one you replied to are giving him too much credit. The guys just not that well thought out.
If you have a proper web filter it explains to the user why they can’t get to CNN when they attempt to get to CNN
Maybe 20 years ago before everyone had a mini computer with its own internet connection in their pockets
unnecessary overhead on IT.
If they’re running a proper web filter it’s a single checkbox for the “news” category
It’s not illegal to email a government employee and tell them to knock that shit off
I expected to open this thread and see 30 recommendations for stardew valley but I don’t see any. So stardew valley.
I don’t. I see someone pointing out a quirk in language.
If the only thing stopping you from shooting people is the law then you may not be as good as you think you are
I’m sure the physically disabled students at that college appreciate you letting them know that you think one mile is too short for a bus ride
thought to be valuable by some.
That is every currency
Or do the same basic troubleshooting you would for any other computer. It sounds like the person you’re replying to doesn’t know how to do that. They should learn. It’s not that hard.