Yeah; we’ve got one too - primarily for when you first get out of the shower. It’s really good for drying the soles of your feet, so you don’t slip on tile - and the water evaporates very quickly.
Yeah; we’ve got one too - primarily for when you first get out of the shower. It’s really good for drying the soles of your feet, so you don’t slip on tile - and the water evaporates very quickly.
Don’t even try to explain the numbers to conservatives, just make it clear that if it resulted in them getting more money somehow, it would be literal blood money.
One issue with this is, Conservatives don’t care about random people dying - they’ve been conditioned by right-wing media into believing those people who die deserved it, or that it’s just a deep-state conspiracy with crisis actors.
They will only ever change their stance (and even then, only temporarily) when it happens to a friend or family member.
Appealing to their better nature is a fool’s errand.
Christ, I can’t believe I’m going to have to begin a comment with these words so early in my life…
…but back in my day, the vast majority of the back of a game case was reserved to screenshots, and to describe the features and plot of a game. Not the intricacies of the T&Cs you need to agree to prior to playing!
My personal use devices are all some variation of Pingu (eg. iPingu, Pingtendo etc.), and my NAS devices are based off Pokémon puns (Storlax and Archivysaur currently).
My wife on the other hand is boring, so her’s are just system default.
I’ve barely played anything Nintendo post-SNES, so my assumptions are largely academic.
But to me at least, the primary advantage of dedicated emulation devices such as this (o er a smartphone + controller), is that you’re somewhat actively invested into the games you’re playing, and not distracted by notifications etc.
For me, having access to every single ROM/ISO means I’m rarely as engaged into any single title than I was as a kid and only had access to maybe 2-3 new games a year. Back then, I played the hell out of every single title because I didn’t have a choice; that was my Birthday/Christmas present, or I saved up all of my pocket money for a while.
But to each their own, I’m quite happy with my Steam Deck - and it does the job of enabling me to play my PS2 collection admirably!
Ah, yes - good point! I completely forgot about all of those arcade cabinets with the sideways mounted screens, loads more titles and a bunch of unlocked memories 🤣
While I’m all for emulation getting all the love it can, is there really much demand for such a screen orientation? Are there any other systems that could take advantage of this kind of layout and not just have giant black bars?
I can only think of the DS, 3DS and maybe WiiU…
Happy to be proven wrong, though!
I’m old enough to remember when S2 was the common way to draw a heart…
…which ironically is also less than three characters!
Less of a brag, more a cry for help
We’re surrounded, and the last lot that were sent to help ended up losing against unarmed, flightless birds!
Ever heard of dingos? 😅
Capitalism is like a wild dog; it’s worth having around if you can break it in, and keep it contained. But the moment you let your oversight lapse, you’re going to get bit.
No offence to you Canadians, but goddamn your politicians are fuuucked.
Neoliberal politics will be the doom of us all.