Devils advocate - children/younger may have lower tolerances
Devils advocate - children/younger may have lower tolerances
Perhaps long term exposure, like these products would be?
What hardware do you have already? Is pihole running on a rpi? Look into setting up wire guard or tail scale. Then you can have pihole on your phone while your not at home.
Go old school and setup some basic website with apache2.
Valve origin story?
It’s not wrong. Not quite as much info as following the average person on socials, but it can be a lot of info at a glance.
Once had a cop show up one day, just asking about something going on in the area, and noticed an empty TV box by my trash can outside. Suggested I uh, don’t do that. Basically a big sign pointing to my house “brand new TV inside!”. Not done that since.
Peak internet wdym
From what I remember, even the dell process was a testament to following instructions to the T. Having to do some steps with the battery connected, then more with it disconnected, then connected again. HP used some special screw for board locking. Lol what a wild time.
I can only go by people like Luis Rossman on Mac stuff, but I’ve done my fair amount of Chromebook repairs. Granted it’s been a few years, and most were dell and splash of HP/Lenovo. Hardware wise there’s not much to them, physically. Pretty easy with simple tools. However, the shimming/reloading the OS is a whole different monster. Dell was the easiest, but was still involved.
Pivpn is the package to get. Makes wire guard dead simple to setup. Just have to do a port forward on your router