Those vile frogs where the babies hatch out of the back of the mother. Do I have this phobia, or is that also the most unnerving thing YOU’ve ever seen?
Those vile frogs where the babies hatch out of the back of the mother. Do I have this phobia, or is that also the most unnerving thing YOU’ve ever seen?
That was probably a warm wool uniform, too. They don’t make em like that anymore.
what is this i love it
No, because he wants SpaceX to succeed!
My favorite is “Do you speak (language)… Please??”
Edit: I’m misinterpreting on purpose. It was a good list.
Just curious, RFK was almost certainly vaccinated against MMR, right?
It’s the extra dot after the ellipse. Artfully communicated.
Sing! Swing! Savor the sting!
Golden Arches works, but now we can use Golden Dome too.
I’ll add that if you have all that honey, you might also eat more of it than you’d initially planned and run out sooner. Personally, I would start putting spoonfuls in my tea, using honey instead of jam, maybe experimenting with baking…
When my cousin had chicken pox my mom popped her finger in my cousin’s mouth, then popped that finger in my and my brother’s mouths.
I was a kid in the 90s and while pox was already somewhat of old sounding word, it feels especially archaic to realize that kids don’t have to go through any poxes anymore.