Is devrandom your router or something?
Mama told me not to come.
She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.
Is devrandom your router or something?
What happens if you decide to use Fedora or Ubuntu on two devices?
Sounds like a good option for a VPS.
What happens if you add another RPi?
Hmm, this wouldn’t work well for me since I use Dvorak. All the vowels are on the left and the most common consonants are on the right.
My consonant options on the left hand are: py (top) and jkxb (bottom).
? A and L are on opposite ends of the keyboard.
Use Lua, it uses one-based arrays. This is nice for a few reasons:
+ 1
and - 1
in my codeIt feels wrong coming from C, but it’s actually really nice, especially since the reasons C does it don’t apply (i.e. index is just a memory offset).
Nah, just a huge fan of barley tea.
Hmm, what does localhost.local do if you use mdns?
Also, your router must be a bit confusing:
Why not Saṃsāra? Or maybe it’s Rin’ne in Japanese?
I’m being a bit hyperbolic here. My point, however, is that soft pasta is pretty common here, and people do complain about properly cooked pasta. Not often, but people tend to lean more toward the overcooked end of the spectrum.
For example, most boxes of spaghetti say 10-11 min cooking, whereas I usually test around 7-8 min and stop a bit short of 10min. This can vary a little by brand, thickness, and probably altitude (I live in the Rockies so I’m used to adjusting cooking times).
I’m not some angsty chef or something, I just don’t like overcooked noodles of any variety because the texture sucks. So I just generally avoid pasta for the most part. I don’t make lasagna because I’m not willing to spend the time to do it well, but I do occasionally make something like aglio e olio because it’s fast and easy to do well.
I highly doubt the consequences of Dennis Richie not existing. Yes, his work was foundational, but he didn’t do it on his own, and if he wasn’t around, someone else would’ve filled in.
The same is true for Steve Jobs. In fact, most of his contribution was being a jerk to people so his ideas won. He had a clear vision, but his internal implementation was… iffy.
Well, they’re often cheaper and easier to rip. I ha e a bluray reader w/ Libredrive flashed, but not everyone has that.
It could be a good one, you don’t know the details.
Exactly. That will have to be proved in court, and just making something available for anyone to use as they please is not “working with Russian hackers.” They would need to prove actual collusion to make the malware-ridden version more accessible.
Downloading is absolutely illegal, it’s just not really enforced because you need to prove criminal intent. You’re still accessing copyrighted material without a license, which is a copyright violation.
Distribution has much higher penalties and is more likely to push people to buying (harder to find copies = potentially more legal sales), so that’s where enforcement is focused.
That depends, is the pedophile a high profile person or a creepy poor person?
on paper
It’s making them less rich only if you assume pirated copies would’ve been sales. That’s generally not the case, and piracy can often increase sales by pirates recommending things to people who will actually buy.
With libredrive flashed on your player. Let the player decrypt for you, and then copy the decrypted stream, no need to break any encryption…
Ah, makes sense. If you attend public school for even just a week at anything from 4th grade and up, you’ll know what sex is.