ignoring court orders… well, that’s it folks. unless a whole lotta spineless assholes grow a spine and 14th him, and those “just following orders” the us constitution, and therefore the us government, is over.
glossing over the sickening reality of this cruelty (because i frankly am too upset to form any sentence that isn’t 23 consecutive expletives), there is now zero incentive to comply with the feds if complying means death and torture. better to go down swinging than die after being raped in between psychologicql torture in solitary.
gonna need some hard drives lol. wikipedia is only about 100GB. annas archive is like 1PB, and even just the index is 1TB. the various government archives that were collected are at least 500TB (and probably closer to several PB).
other good things to mirror are probably open source code repos (they get taken down all the time - especially emulators, p2p, and now encryption), libretexts, linux repositories, 3d printed gun files, documentation, project gutenberg, the internet archive, openstreetmaps, the reddit archive, and any other content you find personally valuable - including websites and youtube videos.
the sum of this data is in the dozens to hundreds of petabytes, which is obviously infeasible so i personally try to curate what i find personally valuable and of highest societal value and risk, and to partially mirror what i can for the rest.