Its a pretty common fetish these days. Many women install Sims mods to allow it, for example. (This may also be possible in the newest game out of the box, I stopped at 3)
Its a pretty common fetish these days. Many women install Sims mods to allow it, for example. (This may also be possible in the newest game out of the box, I stopped at 3)
It’s a text editor?
I made this mistake too when I figured out I had ADHD. I had a shiny new hammer to fix all my problems with, and EVERYTHING was a nail. And I really liked showing off my shiny new hammer to explain why I was trying to hammer all these nails.
People didn’t like it very much. I was being obnoxious. I know I was. I knew it at the time too, but still couldn’t stop myself.
Our culture right now does not favor talking about mental health in any capacity, and I think part of that comes from shame for some people (“oh no, what if I’m similar and have it?”), and for other people its just a frustrating change in routine (“oh God am I going to have to listen to this every day from now on, and change how I do things to boot?”) - it becomes extra burden in their eyes.
The trick is masking. It’s always masking. It sucks that we have to mask, but masking unfortunately works. Don’t talk about your issues, or if you do only do it once with any particular group of people.
On the flipside, it’s still important to be yourself. Find a good group who you don’t have to wear the mask around and spend as much time with them as you can, so you can deal with the times you do.
Didn’t a lot of the people from back in the old 4chan days move over to KiwiFarms? This feels like it would be a kiwifarms thing these days rather than 4chan
Its the closest thing I’ve found to the discord experience, but it still feels young (I.e. buggy and laggy, UI feels off in a few places). Other than that its almost 1:1
Part of being a good developer is the “working well with other human beings” part. Linus himself took a hiatus to improve himself in this area.
Another part of being a good developer is to work within and adapting to the frameworks of an existing project, especially if you are joining at a later point. In this context, it would be the R4L folks joining the project known as “the Linux kernel.”
Hector failed on both counts. He has programming skills, but that’s not all that’s required.
I am so glad Linus just came out and said it. I was pretty upset at Hector too in the other thread the other day, and I especially didn’t appreciate a call to remove a major developer from the kernel because Hector wasn’t getting his way. Very militant action on Hector’s part where it just wasn’t necessary.
Hector, if you’re reading this, communication skills are just as if not more important than your Rust development skills, and frankly your communication skills lack.
The original copypasta displayed in this post is older than LLMs as we know them. Don’t be fooled by the timestamp.
It is tradition to intentionally mix and misname similar characters from nerdy fandoms with the pure intention of pissing off people who take their favorite franchise too seriously - or at the very least make them squirm a little about it.
I’m not sure if i’m missing a joke here, so:
In case you’re making a joke: The people who don’t type JSON are using controllers.
In case you’re asking a serious question: the people who don’t type JSON are the people in OP’s image. They are technically using types, but that type is literally always string
. They don’t use integers, they don’t use booleans. This is functional but may not be the best choice, depending on what kinds of data their system is supposed to handle.
Many API developers may choose not to use them, but they are absolutely there.
You specify the type by including or excluding quotation marks, and then for the types without quotation marks, you either include or exclude a decimal point to specify float or integer, and for boolean you use characters (specifically true
or false
). Arrays are wrapped in []
and objects are wrapped in {}
JSON data as a whole is passed as one giant string because the REST protocol demands it. But once it’s been pulled in and properly interpreted, there are absolutely types in the data.
Ohh i’ve seen this episode of Black Mirror!