Oh c’mon. Man with the big head and small mind will have his feelings hurt.
Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.
Oh c’mon. Man with the big head and small mind will have his feelings hurt.
Church service without a single soul involved?
We have done this before all over the world with people with no soul.
Leftist scum
I liked the first season of Mandalorian, but right after that it slid in to that “if it moves and makes a noise, you should be entertained”-shitbucket.
I’m expecting that to happen with Andor.
Such a thing exists?
Dear Disney+
If you ever produce anything worth watching, be assured that I will be pirating it.
Marketing and other managers with ocd.
One day all folders get numbering, so they are in unknown illogical order. Other day they’re renamed or some crap added in the end.
Every FUCKING desktop shortcut and email link stops working.
… and then you see the guy in the hall in low altitude flight towards some meeting to incoherently delegate crap he came up with and you wonder what would happen if you tripped him. Would he ever get up? Would the act of stopping cause him an aneurysm.
First time somebody posted this long time ago it was a low res video in .avi-container, second time it was just a pixelated gif and now it’s just a shit quality image.
Is this how digital content erodes? Everything is repacked to oblivion and the original is buried.
I had to put my pihole on a brake for a while. I had it installed on a raspberry pi 3 and it destroyed 2 SD cards in a month. Now it just runs piVPN and all is well.
Gonna reinstall next time I get a newer raspberry.
Sure is. …and I’m an atheist …and finnish.
Then again church services here mean so little to general public, only few will give a shit. We do have our “fundie zones”, but they usually don’t belong in to that sect.