God, I wish this shit were boring
God, I wish this shit were boring
I don’t think so. It may appear to others as a lack of empathy, but I imagine it’s usually just social miscues or whatever.
Musk’s lack of empathy comes from one of his personality disorders, not autism. He is clearly, at the very least, a narcissist. He is probably also a sociopath.
Yeah, I’ve found myself wanting to use the word in comments here as it was the best fit, but deciding against it because musk
You said it was exactly the same. That’s just wrong. It’s so much worse, and we need to be talking about this.
That’s why I’m speaking to you the way that I am. I don’t know if you live in the US, but this is extremely important for me, as I do. And when someone comes in and says, “this is the exact same thing he did last time, why is the media reporting on it,” then I feel compelled to shut that down.
It’s not the same, and the media needs to be reporting on it.
Buddy, this is econ 100. This applies to nearly every business.
If you look at the chart there, the equilibrium price is where the supply line and the demand line cross. Assuming supply remains the same, if demand decreases, the equilibrium price will decrease.
If supply increases, and demand decreases, price goes way down.
Wiki probably explains it better.
Yes, he’s doing many of the things he did last time. Also, it’s worth mentioning that there degrees, and everything on that list has been ramped up by at least 10x. Or are you not paying attention to the unelected billionaire that’s gutting our federal workforce?
In addition to so much more, far worse, things. Do you really need me to enumerate them for you?
How about putting an alcoholic Fox News host in charge of the DoD. And having a podcast host with no military or intelligence experience as the Deputy Director of the FBI? Or a billionare wrestling corporation owner’s wife with no educational experience tasked with literally dismantling and eliminating the Dept. of Education entirely? Or how about putting RFK Jr., an antivax moron who looks like the most unhealthy human on the planet, in charge of Health and Human Services (who btw is already fanning the flames of a measles outbreak by literally disseminating dangerous disinformation to parents that Vitamin A is a good replacement for the measles vaccine).
Should I go on?’
Last time he at least had some people in his cabinet that were interested in maintaining the status quo for the most part. That is completely gone now. There is no voice of reason.
Just want to post this here for anyone not aware… uBlock “medium” mode. Kind of an unadvertised feature that has to be enabled in a strangely obscure way (I think they want to make sure you’re not a complete idiot).
Still, pretty easy to set up, and much more protection than the default (but also not nearly as frustrating as “hard” mode or whatever they call it). Basically, most sites you visit are going to be broken the first time you go, but you enable elements you need for the site to load, then save those settings for that domain. Takes about 30 seconds or so once you know what you’re doing and you only need to do it once per domain. Basically, I keep 1st and 3rd-party scripts off completely most of the time. It’s relatively rare that I absolutely need to enable 1st party scripts on a page for it to load.
It’s kind of like uBlock + noscript learning mode. The element zapper is clutch as well, but that’s not unique to medium mode or anything.
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you meant just the golf. If you think everything else is “the exact same fucking thing he did the first goddamn time,” then you either have a really shitty memory, or you are not paying attention.
For a lot of things, they’ve just stopped even bothering with the pretext. They don’t even try to justify or rationalize anymore.
I don’t know how you reason with that.
For fuck’s sake he’s doing the exact same fucking thing he did the first goddamn time. We had a website to track it. Damn news needs to stop acting like this shit is new.
I think this is the first, or maybe second, article I’ve seen about Trump golfing since Jan 20. I don’t think they’re acting like it’s new, they’re just reporting on how much hit has already cost us.
Then I guess my frustrations are more with the people who misuse it.
And how do they even pay the lawyer?
I mean maybe technically (I’m sure it varies depending on country). But I’m not aware of any cases where they’ve ever pursued anyone for that.
It’s definitely a grey area in the US, I believe (again, no precedent set), and someone with a good lawyer could actually get a good ruling here, which would set the precedent. Which is probably why they never pursue it. I think that happened with VHS when people were taping shows in the 80s/90s (could be misremembering that).
The concept of “fair use” in general (not referring to specific interpretations of the term) definitely allows you to do this. At least how I interpret it. I am not a lawyer.
So if it were me, I’d only be concerned with the ethics, and I see nothing ethically wrong with it whatsoever. But that’s just me.
Public housing was shit, maybe.
Or are all of the articles like this staged? And all of the data is made up?
Since its launch in 2008, the number of homeless people in Finland has decreased by roughly 30%,[1] though other reports indicate it could be up to 50%.[7] The number of long-term homeless people has fallen by more than 35%.[3] “Sleeping rough”, the practice of sleeping outside, has been largely eradicated in Helsinki, where only one 50-bed night shelter remains.[3] Analysis of Housing First in Tampere, Finland found that it saved €250,000 in one year.[8] A further study of Finland’s Housing First program found that giving a homeless person a home and support resulted in cost savings for the society of at least €15,000 per person per year, with potentially even higher cost savings in the long term.[7] These cost savings for society are in part a result of reductions in usage of emergency healthcare, police, and the justice system when homeless people are given a home.[9]
So they look like link 1, and they result in that… Seems great.
No… I specifically said “rent free” instead of “free”… You can charge them what it costs to upkeep with no profit, that’s my point.
I know you jest, but treasury bonds…
If you own the physical DVD, fair use allows you to own a backup copy, so torrenting it in that case would not be unethical nor illegal.
This is why “Hanlon’s Razor” is kind of bullshit. People should stop using it because, at the very least, it does not apply anymore.
Maybe not as toxic, but as someone who fell for and dated a girl with BPD (who wasn’t diagnosed until years after we broke up), I can tell you from experience: it’s brutal.
To clarify for anyone reading who doesn’t know the acronym, BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder, not Bipolar Disorder.