If you read the commit, you would see it was referring to a built-in non-human account.
In no way did he assume the gender of any people, so who cares if he referred to a built-in account of his operaring system as ‘he’ instead of ‘they’?
A more accurate description would have been ‘it’.
As somebody who also identifies as LGBT, I don’t want or need your permission to feel anything.
I don’t feel guilty for not participating in the cancel culture of the internet.
Sure. Lets just ignore ladybird/serenity and the positive impact Andreas is making because he didn’t accept a commit that changed a pronoun for a system account on the operating system he wrote from a ‘he’ to a ‘they’.
And lets ignore that it’s been changed since. People ‘never’ change, so lets fuck up their entire career and public image for life.
Yeah no thanks.
If you think that comment outweighs all the positive impacts Andreas is making, that’s your prerogative. I’m not interested in holding everyone up to such high expectations.
If that makes me a simp in your eyes, so be it.