oh yeah, he loves crypto, I’m sure that would be a great form of payment.
oh yeah, he loves crypto, I’m sure that would be a great form of payment.
Those leapords haven’t really begun eating everyday american faces yet (for those that don’t follow the news). The conditions for the feast are being set up beautifully though.
British Rail Service is so bloody expensive as well. Seems like you guys have these, essentially, per-track monopolies.
Not sure if I want Musk to have the amount of liquid cash that would be required to buy him out.
“Game preservationists have long argued that a move to a digital-only future will cause games to be lost forever if proper preservation measures aren’t put in place.”
Unfortunately, even physical game discs so often don’t contain the full game files and requires access to servers in order to download and access the game. No longer is buying physical the answer to the game preservation problem.
I’ve not heard of Zachtronics, but love puzzle games. Do you have a recommended one of theirs?
Edit: thanks everyone!
I’m not very good at bash at all. I was hoping someone would explain what he’s trying to say to me.
I feel that “found at” wouldn’t be a terminal printout followed by the home reference, but he’s saying the woke mond virus is on the device?
Is he saying it’s a program that “deleted” the ability to “rm -rf”? Why would removing files (recursively and forced) be something it would do? Why would the options -rf be there? Wouldn’t it be enough to delete the rm binary?
Traceroute woke mind virus, is woke mind virus an IP address or something? I thought it was a program based on the above lines. He’s expecting to find the route to the woke mind virus IP address with this command?
What is Elon saying?
Ya don’t say