This is factually incorrect, and easily disproved with just the scantest effort.
if that were true, you could prove it, instead of claiming it’s easy to prove.
This is factually incorrect, and easily disproved with just the scantest effort.
if that were true, you could prove it, instead of claiming it’s easy to prove.
The conclusion that you are an animal abuser then becomes an unavoidable consequence.
no, you’re making a leap of logic
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You are an animal abuser.
this is a baseless claim.
you’re still eating more of them by eating animal products…
not necessarily. we mostly feed livestock parts of plants we don’t or can’t eat. so while spinach is human-edible, the spinach fed to chickens is not handled in a way that keeps it safe for human consumption. by feeding it to livestock, we are conserving resources.
this is a strawman
the problem lies in media literacy. it’s not only solvable, but it’s “solved”. taking away privacy is not the solution.
no fucking way. even db0 doesn’t know my real name.
most people are not abusing animals.
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there is no way I’d give up anonymity online.
that meme that circulated a couple days ago that showed all the ways bumper stickers make you a target is a great illustration. if my name was tied to everything I said online, I wouldn’t say anything, since I’d just be making myself a target.
the solution is to spread media literacy, which is a pretty oblique attack on the problem, but it’s a lasting solution.
no one is talking about betting but you. the discussion is about ethics and voting.
the burden is on you to show their relevance
saying it doesn’t make it true
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when will you accept that there are an infinite number of possible outcomes, including no one taking power at all?
it’s a story, not math.
these are irrelevant examples. it’s a pure red herring.
this isn’t proof. it’s storytelling.
one can care without an effective means to do something about it.