Everyone knows chocolate is hunted! /s
Everyone knows chocolate is hunted! /s
recessive? what is recessive about this?
Your parents can take a citizenship test and you’ll automatically be a citizen as well.
Just being born here doesn’t make you a citizen. You must at the very least be able to speak the language. Having a citizenship test makes absolute sense.
Birthright citizenship is an absolutely stupid idea.
I can forward you mine if you want
Red is restricted. Gray is most likely just no birthright citizenship.
Green: unlimited birthright citizenship Red: Limited birthright Citizenship Gray: (At least from my own country, Switzerland): No birthright citizenship
The post is literally about them creating their own index to move away from Bing. This is a utterly useless comment.
it’s french
That used to be a warning. Now that I’ve seen how incredibly based they are it’s an endearement.
(I still think you should just start saying huitante and nonante)
Das sind FlipFlops und keine Sandalen?
Transatlantic towards Panama?
We Europeans didn’t ban those words.
Transcontinental would work though
There is no “Zionist comment”. Maybe “A zionists Comment”.
Which is prpbably why you were banned. Off-topic and ad-hominem. Your comment makes you look like an asshole that stalks people, de-rails discussions and tries to to invalidate their arguments with ad-hlminem comments.
They stopped Production in 2023. E-UPs are clearants at this Point.
The E-UP is going for around ~ 10k - ~ 15k since its deprecation. That’s what we paid.
VW E-Up is relatively cheap
What hurts more?
Losing it to your colony (a “civilizing th barbarians” one, not a “brits but overseas” one) or to the Hanses?
Marshal plan?
Cyberpunk was great from the beginning
I am from Switzerland and even my Gaming Rig wasn’t expensive enough to play Cyberpunk satisfatrorially.
I’m pretty sure the VW E-Up is (can be made) privacy friendly (the datamodule that sends the data to VW and into your account can be replaced with an OVMS datamodule)
There’s this Post from 2 days ago:
I expect the parents to speak german.
But I suspect you already knew that and just wanted to be the pigeon that shits all over the chessboard.