maybe it’s just me, but putting my name on a US-owned website to campaign for a EU thing feels just wrong.
There’s an official platform for that
Cats, Pastry, DIY, Webdev, Photography. Trans rights now! Fuck all nazis.
maybe it’s just me, but putting my name on a US-owned website to campaign for a EU thing feels just wrong.
There’s an official platform for that
French regional alternatives i know and tested:
and a whole lot more
okay it’s just amazing, what have I done all these years 🤩
i’ll report tomorrow after breakfast!
i bake recipes that i don’t develop myself, still pretty good at it and people who eat my cakes never complained that i am not making stuff up on my own. totally fine.
oh wow this opens new possibilities 🤩
i’ve ordered a box of Sortilège to Germany, that’s the good stuff
Da gebe ich dir Recht, wobei Dummheit muss es irgendwo geben. Entweder glaubt irgendjemand bei der ÖRR ehrlich dass man die AfD “inhaltlich stellen” bzw entzaubern kann, oder sind wir so dumm dass wir sie glauben? An dem Auftrag zur Pluralität wurde offensichtlich was falsch verstanden.
Andere Erklärung, es steht eigentlich im Namen: Öffentlich-"recht"licher Rundfunk
Edit: die Grammatik war Dramatik
man wie kann man so blöd sein, die Talkshows der ÖRR sind eine Schande.
good, probably much tastier too
congrats for your achievement and thank you for the Scheißpfosten!
i bought Wipr 2 a few months ago and i’m really happy with it, it’s regularly updated
Unglücklicherweise ist die westliche Hälfte komplett schwarz abgebrannt, mit bissl Glut noch an Stellen. Die einzige Hoffnung ist dass die Grüne Vegetation irgendwann von diesen Aschen wieder rauswachsen kann, mit schönen Lila Blüten
does this count?
incredible coincidence! it reminds me of those meteors which seem to always land exactly in the middle of craters, pretty mind boggling
Pretty close to the Beard Meats Food diet: 7000kcal meal twice a week and yogurt with berries the other days
curious how the sword handles non binary and trans people
it’s mainly to avoid polluting the groundwater, environmental laws are strict and people tend to stick to the rules (and will call the police on you if you don’t)
I can recommend the stainless steel pans from DeBuyer, made in France
i use also a lot of their product for pastry, everything has an amazing quality and durability