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I haven’t bought an HDD in a long time, but is the drive’s packaging itself not designed for shipping? The last one I bought had a ton of empty space and shock-absorbing packaging inside the box.
Don’t pay the ferry man!
Most grocery stores around here have stickers on shelves for Canada-made products but don’t label American companies selling those Canadian products, which would make the decision-making process a lot easier.
Being talented at something doesn’t make you a good person. He’s a legend for his undeniable hockey talent, not for his political stance. I’d say he’s deserving of the hate he’s getting.
There was a podcast recently with the guy who built the SNES port, it was pretty interesting.
If they’re so easy to win, that means the other guy can do it too
Doom was pretty nuts. They managed to fit 22 out of 27 levels into half the space of the PC version as well. Obviously it wasn’t a 1:1 port, but they did amazing work considering the limitations.
It’s not like you can just show up to the hospital and demand an MRI
It’s also entirely possible that you can’t host any of the games. If the host owns the game, anyone else can play for free through a browser. It could just be access to the jackbox.tv website from the TV itself.
They’re all off by one position.
Even now, a lot of comedies are like that.
It’s still insane to me how well they managed to port Killer Instinct to the SNES. Considering the hardware limitations, the port was insane and played incredibly close to the arcade version.
Well he’s not very good at tending the rabbits.
Or little girls.
Ghost in the Shell has convinced me that even if they become available in my lifetime, it’s probably best to stay away.
So in a democracy, presidents are elected, and when their time is up, they peacefully move on with their lives.
Do you know how kings are deposed? Because usually it’s not pretty.
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Fuck unsubscribing from things I didn’t subscribe to.