Actually, that part I’m not worried about. Jackbox is one of my friends go-to end of party games. It’s all through your phone and accommodates a good amount of people, slightly game dependent.
Actually, that part I’m not worried about. Jackbox is one of my friends go-to end of party games. It’s all through your phone and accommodates a good amount of people, slightly game dependent.
Yeah, Biden could have done differently.
You know what would be better? If ~23% of the populous weren’t hateful ignorant cultists intent on installing christofascism to their own obvious detriment. To hell with bitching about what democrats do wrong (most things if we’re being honest). The blame lies with every republican that voted for mango Mussolini and we shouldn’t let them forget it.
Not a player either. My understanding is that there are a couple giveaways.
AI play very differently than people. The thinking* for AI is shortest term and it’s my understanding that it’s obvious to people that play. See below.
It’s possible to look up optimal* moves based on the board state. I would imagine that they’ll keep an eye on your browser/system to keep an eye out for such tools.
No mention of the judge’s decision that the firings were likely illegal? That’s some shit journalism.
For the uninformed