Any Firefox-based browser can use “Tree style tabs” it’s vertical tabs from the time before they were cool. Very customizable.
Any Firefox-based browser can use “Tree style tabs” it’s vertical tabs from the time before they were cool. Very customizable.
I just don’t ascribe philosophical reasoning and mythical powers to models, just as I don’t ascribe physical prowess to train models, because they emulate real trains.
Half of the reason LLMs are the menace they are is the whole “whoa ChatGPT is so smart” common mentality. They are not, they model based on statistics, there is no reasoning, just a bunch of if statements. Very expensive and, yes, mathematically interesting if statements.
I also think it stiffles actual progress, having everyone jump on the LLM bandwagon and draining resources when we need them most to survive. In my opinion, it’s a dead end and wont result in AGI, or anything effectively productive.
If I could think I’d be so mad right now.
Statistical models are not intelligence, Artificial or otherwise, and should have no rights.
Having had a bank account in Europe for nearly 20 years, I never paid a dime for not having enough money in the account. The transaction just fails.
I’m so confused.
Infungible Plot of Land
FYI all ubiquity aps I ever bought broke within 5 years. Ymmv
This is so vague it could mean any behavour. God, I hate facists.
All of them at once!
Pudliszki or death.
I wish to replace it with a yubikey, but I don’t even know if it’s supported.
TIL Sonnet 3.7 is worse than 3.5. How come?