I mean in the moment the fascists in america have won and lewd the government, yes. I think we should however not forget that about the half of the americans oppose this. Maybe it’s not too late (yes i know, huge amount of hopium).
I mean in the moment the fascists in america have won and lewd the government, yes. I think we should however not forget that about the half of the americans oppose this. Maybe it’s not too late (yes i know, huge amount of hopium).
I mean if it really comes to war i atleast hope that the rest of NATO stands together but that would probably come down to ww3 so chances are they do not. That might also be what Drumpf speculates on.
I mean yes but i also do not want a real war. Fascists looooove war. Americans too.
Well thats what we need to be putting our money in right now (speaking as a european). Even if america does not turn full authoritarian in the next 4 years and we get them back to our site, we can not sit this out right now. We need to be able to fight for our own interests, thats one of the few things Trump is right about (even though it is simply an excuse to drop us).
The russians started a war to literally seize land, not to demilitarize Ukraine. And that after Ukraine giving up nukes and not being part of NATO or EU. Fuck russia, fuck donny the little russian rat and fuck people who still eat up his shit, trying to rationalize this god damn treachery and deceit the U.S. is pulling. I just hope all this shit comes down to bite at least some of the enabling asses.
“Guys, is it gay to find women, that put work into how they look, attractive?”
Has major 4chan/incel-vibes
fake: anon has a girlfriend gay: anon dislikes women so he pretends to ‘prank’ them
Because most sane people by know realized that sex work is just work. The irrational disgust and moralisation is dwindling.
I would recommend taking only a certain amount of time per day on news AND social media, like maybe half an hour after work.