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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2024


  • Which is why liberalism in a not so democratic country can do little to stop this type of decline. Too non violent, too careful, too scared

    Ideally one would vote out authoritarian candidates, but what to do when it’s a taboo to criticize electronic vote counting? Vote counting on electronic platforms run by the very people the liberals oppose? Vote counting supported by a steadfast belief of state governments not being corrupted, and not being in cahoots with the wealthy families running said platforms?

    “There are safeguards”, ”I trust in the process”

    Then when voting fails what to do but use free speech to oppose what is happening?

    “Surely they will allow my voice to rise and be heard and I can use reason”

    Yes people will hear you but it won’t do much.

  • limer@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoHumor@lemmy.worldWhat year is it?
    4 hours ago

    Thanks for your reply , I enjoyed it.

    Been programming for 40 years, I’m of no special talent, it’s my trade.

    If I can think of several ways to bypass any possible security of electronic voting, if the owner is participating. Then people smarter than me can do better.

    And having administered large systems that have hardware and software parts, I have convinced myself it’s simply not possible to make sure they all behave well and are doing what is expected of them . Even open source.

    On top of that, there is possibility of careless or bad admins, stolen admin keys, and on top of that hacking.

    I will never underestimate smart people, who gain money and power, to not tamper with complex systems. So low tech, where each step can be verified with mark one human eyeballs and witnessed by the gaggle of people who have competing interests, is the only way to do democracy.

    The systems perfected in Europe a long time ago work well enough I think

  • All I know is that if I can blame the average Russian, German, Brit, Serbian, Hutu etc for bad things in history. No force on earth is going to have me give Americans a pass. Especially after the majority of them supported the wars in the Middle East.

    It’s a genocide, the clues are everywhere. It’s not an American thing that makes it unique. There are shitty people everywhere mixed in with decent folks.

    And it’s fine to not protest or just be quiet. Sometimes that is all one can do. It’s ok to think one is powerless to oppose such things. This is the case for many.

    But actual support that is voluntary? No

    And I think there is some overlap between our two views. Many of the people who I would give a pass to, are many of the people you talk about

  • limer@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoHumor@lemmy.worldWhat year is it?
    6 hours ago

    It’s easier for an admin or owner of a closed source computer system to stuff tens of thousands than it is to stuff one ballot.

    In the uk, ballot boxes are watched by volunteers including school children.

    The thing is, in the USA, the exit polls ( where people stand outside and ask how people voted) are significantly off in many states, causing most USA news to not use that in predicting national elections. That is significant in the multi hundred year history of the practice and democracies world wide.

  • limer@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoHumor@lemmy.worldWhat year is it?
    7 hours ago

    Yes I agree, but ten years of me being in favor of paper ballots has shown me there are cultural roadblocks in the USA. While some states do have paper ballots, others never will unless this is forced on them.

    The concept of blindly trusting vote counting on systems impossible to understand are as American as apple pie, patriotism, and the 4th of July.

    It’s not political and cannot be solved by rational argument

  • Actions which inspire matter; even in a corrupt system like this. This was the first time I was inspired by a democrat in a while.

    Sanders always inspires, so does not count; and if others are doing stuff it goes unnoticed in my feeds.

    So Green did something important, noticed by people, breaking up the ebb and flow of hopelessness

  • limer@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoHumor@lemmy.worldWhat year is it?
    1 day ago

    Also the average French person understands how democracy works, with paper ballots and checks.

    Americans tend to blindly trust any old oligarch putting up software to vote on. And are incapable of introspection on the matter.

    The two systems are not the same. Like comparing religion and science.