Analysten tun Analystendinge.
Analysten tun Analystendinge.
If you find something or someone interesting click on “View user” and see where they post and comment to find more communities of your likings.
There is your tank, it was expensive to make and to fuel up and to transport, and the crew had to train for months to work it good, and then a handful of cheap drones kill everything and everyone in a few minutes.
Your tank is a complete loss, you loser.
Sind Arschgeigen noch Arschgeigen, wenn sie Gutes tun?
Did trump or musk hand out these trophies?
AFDler zu Panzersperren!
Dann können die gleich mal ihre Ehre und ihre Tapferkeit beweisen.
Steuerfahndung muss man wollen.
Will der €lub Der Unternehmer nicht. Komisch.
Use everything to kill the scum. Good.
Wo Opas gegen Nazis?
The internet is for porn.
Scientific research proves this.
Jaaaa… Lasst den Hass aufeinander durch euch fließen, bsw-Knechte.
Und alle anderen finden euch auch schon scheiße.
If you find something or someone interesting click on “View user” and see where they post and comment to find more communities of your likings.
Russian president Pootin’s lap dog is planning to revoke temporary legal status for some 240.000 Ukrainians…
That orange dingus really is following the KGB script for domestic terror.
He shouldn’t thank anyone because he doesn’t need to.
His country is carrying a whole continent on their shoulders. We should thank Ukraine. We are in deep debt to them.
Above a certain threshold there will be no discernible difference in the outcome to our civilisation.
The planet is fine. The people are fucked. G. Carlin was and is right.
I like this new feature very much - the lid no longer has to be held in the other hand or such but simply stays where it is needed.
People who are not able to perform most simple tasks like turning the lid a little sideways should be exempted from elections.
Du bist kein Rentner? Dumme Idee.