Can you post the PDF, please? As others have said I’d never use AI for ethical and environmental reasons but I’d love to be able to look up which brands to avoid.
Can you post the PDF, please? As others have said I’d never use AI for ethical and environmental reasons but I’d love to be able to look up which brands to avoid.
Yes, the SPD for sure isn’t worthy of their name anymore but neither is are the “Christian” “Democrats” …
My first reaction was: “But why would you need engagement on a public service website?” I guess in a just world you could measure that via website traffic (or it shouldn’t matter) but capitalism just destroys everyting.
It’s interesting and kinda cool that you can’t tell what distro it’s running on when using Flatpak. I would have thought that there’s some way to find out (it would be important for fixing bugs, I guess?)
I recently discovered
Haven’t bought from them yet but it seems like their stuff is drm-free? And they also sell ebooks? Unfortunately it seems like you can only pay via Paypal though 👎
Also have a look at their badass licence!
Why aren’t people everywhere?
Welp, I wish was here already
+1 for Vaude, their products seem decent quality
Fairphone, love to see it!
It always amazes me how many news outlets still have comments. You should either have learned that you need a loooot of mods (=money) to make them work or should have shut them down around 2015. Just letting them run wild seems bizarre to me, esp with public funded sites like BR.
Be aware that Thalia is like Germany’s Amazon competing out small, independant booksbops woth unfair methods for decades. I’ve boycotted them since the 2010’s.
Well, they are from Hamburg (and apparently also are very aggressive (and it always fair) in their expension politics).
Kapitalismus is eh busllhit, Schulden all the way!
It’s hard to make out but this all looks like (very dry) buiscuits. If they’re really Turkish I can’t recommend them (at least not without chai and you want sugar with that, so not really very healthy).
Yeah, that’s really interesting to me as well. Does anyone have an explanation for this? (You can somehow dress this in tradwife, cishet-only vibes and it’s cool or something?)