stop blaming russia for what america has done to itself. no one was forced to vote for trump and no one forced harris to run the worst campaign i’ve seen in 4 decades.
stop blaming russia for what america has done to itself. no one was forced to vote for trump and no one forced harris to run the worst campaign i’ve seen in 4 decades.
oi, hitting the critical mass of enough users to be interesting, but thankfully not at enough users where it is profitable for them yet. sigh
seems like the dems have been terrifyingly bad for “decades”
Yes. just catching on are you? why do you think worker rights stagnated? health care? anyways I’m done, its clear you have no ability to comprehend the problems with the democratic party and you’re not going to be able to convince me that they’re worth voting for when they dont support my interests. so good luck, i’ll see you in the next primaries attempting to elect people who support my interests.
Its amazing how categorically dense people like you are. There were 7 or 8 simple policy issues harris could have added to her platform that would have secured my vote and she literally didnt do any of them, instead opting to be a shitty corporate douche nozzle across the board. and yes, gaza was one of them. imagine supprting fucking genocide. you twit.
that doesnt sound like a shitpost, sounds like insightful commentary that certain folks dont want to hear.
you can just say ‘my candidate is better’, that guy is an actual fascist and is going to make it worse for the genocide and working people.
Dude, you just tried that AND YOU LOST. jesus fucking christ how fucking dense are you? Your world view is literally the person pissing into the wind and wondering why all their clothes smell like urine.
Do you know what the definition of insanity is? Its literally doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result. The democrats have not been serving the working class for decades.
They literally censored a member of the party for actually calling trump out during his speech.
They actively prevented increasing housing supply for decades.
They willfully killed their opportunity to increase the minimum wage.
They willfully broke a strike and then retroactively got the one group of workers originally against the strike to say ‘they did right by us! (by preventing us from getting the best deal)’ after seeing the backlash.
We just had a man murder a CEO in broad day light and become a folk hero, and democrats still oppose single payer. (or any actual healthcare reform)
At some point you have to realize the people you’re advocating for are trash and that’s why they keep losing because people are not going to be bothered to show up for people who do not have policies that will improve that persons situation.
They dont care about LGBT+ or fascism or any of the other reasons you keep spouting. They live in bum fuck no where with maybe 10 closetted LGBT+ members in their town and never even been within 100 miles of a transgender.
When your party platform is essentially we’ll continue to fuck over the working class (aka you) at the behest of our corporate masters, the only bills we’ll put forward are cash give aways to those same masters but we’ll tell you we’re creating jobs, and support a genocide in a foreign land of people just like you but dont worry we’ll protect the transgenders and reduce the cost of a drug you dont even need (insulin). that shit isnt going to even register on those peoples radars let alone give them an incentive to roll out of bed.
So maybe you should fucking pay attention when a person says: ‘yo dawg, I’m not voting for your candidates here’s why.’ Your first response should be to yell at your candidate to get with the program and not at the person telling you why your candidates are shit. Doubly so when they make it clear they dont give a shit about your lesser evil nonsense. Triply so if their asks literally cost you nothing.
Uh huh, way to avoid addressing the point being made about how utterly fucking retarded your world view is about voting and how it leads to facism. Let me clear, I’m wasting my time with you because I do give a shit harris lost, I’m demonstrating to you the issues that need to be addressed and your thought processes exactly mirror the DNC and its why they keep losing.
The problem is you thinking you can just say ‘my candidate is shitty but better than the other guy!’ and think people have to vote for them, never mind the fact they won’t even get out of bed for such a wonderful selling point. Fun fact: most people in america are:
The fact you refuse to answer a very basic and simple question is because you know in your heart I’m correct. Harris and the DNC has been fucking around for literally 3 decades (more really) and not putting forth the work they’ve needed to put forward in order to win votes. people have had enough and they’re done or they’re indifferent.
How will you earn my vote (and by extension, other american’s vote) so your preferred candidates will win?
I didnt take a vote from harris (you literally cant take a vote from a candidate, only give), but semantics. Nor did my vote change the outcome in my state. But yes, we agree, people like me are why harris lost. Time for you move on to the next stage of reasoning.
Now how are you going to get me to vote for your candidate. Its my vote after all.
Think hard now, i know this is difficult for you, you’re not alone the dnc has the same lack of logical reasoning you and your ilk have demonstrated repeatedly.
Go ahead, lay out all the information you know so far from this conversation (bullet point format) and draw some logical conclusions. I have faith in you!
And then answer this simple question: what didnt harris do?
If you wanted harris to win you should have held her feet to the fire over gaza/backing biden/no offer any substantial policy for the working class.
Its time you sit down and learn from what happened or it will continue to happen. and you really don’t have the time to learn.
Working class americans will not vote for a candidate if they don’t have anything to offer, the left wing will not show up for you if you’re enabling a genocide.
This is not a my stance is the only logical stance argument, which is a fundamentally flawed approach from the get go because you’re arguing with assumptions the group you’re trying to convince do not hold or care about. for example, that I in any way care that trump won or in any way feel responsible for the outcome. Am I sadden by whats happening? absolutely, but not enough to support a candidate who was enabling a genocide and gaslighting the working class.
I care that the people I elect will deliver on my values. if your party isnt going to deliver on my values I’m not going to support them. You better start getting these facts through your head or your party is going to keep losing elections.
you guys act like there is only one way to do this shit. personally I find protests generally useless and I dont go to them to start shit, I find violence useful when employed well and directed. but I would never personally start shit at a protest. protests are for cover while groups work elsewhere.
yes. thats pretty standard fair, the photo’d guy is not following safe protesting. the bat in the photo was probably just a stick of opportunity for his sign.
Nothing, that’s what the ‘bats’ are for: to use. honestly if you’re protesting you expect this outcome silly. start getting comfortable with violence people we’re going to need it.
Disagree, bring your friends with bats. More bats advertised the better. Cops are pussys they wont fuck with large groups of prepared and armed unless absolutely ordered to.
Admitted what? that democrats and the DNC are toxic shit stains not worth the time to vote for? Yes, i’ve been explaining that to people for years. Or that the DNC has no voters to turn to but the left wing which they’ve been shitting on for decades?
And no, trump and republicans didnt change that equation. its just unfortunate, though unsurprising, timing due to the absolute trash governance provided by the politicians for both parties.
the center republicans that are now having panic attacks over the sacking of their government and explosion of their economy may well vote dem without any encouragement from liz cheney
lol. that’s a mighty fine fever dream you have there. the MAGA adjacent in the circles I monitor are not even batting an eye at whats going on.
You’re really irrational arent you? 20 million people didnt bother to show up because democrats didnt offer them anything and actively showed they’re a toxic genocidal group. And two groups can be actively hostile simultaneously, its not like hostility is restricted to one entity at a time.
Just because people find you so disgusting they wont show up for you doesnt mean they in any way support an even more disgusting individual like trump.
You got stuck with trump because the democrats went mask off and people like myself are tired of dealing with you. so they stayed home. Now you got trump, a candidate who is giving his base exactly what they want and you get to enjoy it along with everyone else.
Take this as the lesson that it is: if you dont support left wing initiatives they can and will just go it alone because thats what we’ve been doing our entire lives. dealing with the problems you morons cause for everyone else.
If you want left wing votes make sure your candidates follow through on left wing wants. If they dont we wont show up. just like any other self interested group, and no we wont vote for you to just protect minority groups because we have other tools at our disposal for that.
But then you saw how courting the right wing turned out for harris. you dont really have anywhere else to go but to us. Best you start learning how to play nice.
Same tired comments and same lack of awareness on your end. The only people who selected trump are the trump voters.
You should take some time to self reflect on your behavior towards others.
Its the same lack of empathy and community awareness harris showed that caused her loss to this maniac and what people like myself were desperately warning you idiots about for the entire year leading up to November about both biden and Harris.
But instead of focusing your ire in the two people who could have prevented this outcome you decided to attack and belittle the very fucking people you needed to show up. Great plan champ 🏆.
You’re no different than harris (muslims/lgbt+,working americans, black men), biden (muslims,working americans, students) and trump (zelensky/canada/trans/etc)
So remind me how did your plan turn out? Do you know why antifa is quiet atm? Why the protests are so muted?
Because people like myself are tired of having to carry the load while dealing with your idiotic nonsense. Go touch some grass and get some perspective. And lord help me stop blaming other people for the outcomes of your shitty behavior.
Lets be clear: the only thing you morons needed to do realize its easier to pressure harris/biden on the economy, israel, and their corporate whoring than it is to convince 20 million individuals to turn out for people actively being hostile to them.
Harris had a golden window for like a month she completely squandered because you idiots decided that it was a brilliant plan to try and convince 20 million americans to vote for your asshole candidates who were actively being hostile to the demographics of the very people you needed while having to tolerating your asshole behavior. Instead of focusing it on the two morons who were actively pissing on these same people for not having any platform/messaging addressing the actual problems.
When has that EVER worked. Trump won because he does what his base wants. Harris/biden lost because they were actively hostile towards their base’s needs
only people who caused trump to win is harris and her campaign staff. only they held the keys to the decisions that insulted literally every single coalition of the democratic base in the span of 4 months. Beyond that its the complacency of the DNC that they could continue to shit on everyone for their oligarch overloads.
the only thing the libtard supporters of harris did was annoy everyone with their holier than thou voting strategies, not realizing that they just pissed off their allies. at worst behavior like yours just tipped the scales into tuning out and not showing up for a small percentage.
friend you need to learn how to push back against administration processes. you dont do it head on. talk to your friends and get them comfortable with the idea of setting fire to things. this fight is hardly over, its just beginning.