I agree about the investment, I’m just saying that this prevents me from falling into the “ohh I can buy that” trap.
I agree about the investment, I’m just saying that this prevents me from falling into the “ohh I can buy that” trap.
I know I am the minority in this but I would take the 30 year payment. Let’s use the 320 million as the example. It would prevent me from spending it all on dumb shit and I could easily live off of 888,000 a month pre tax. Pay off all debts right away and force me to save up for any huge thing I want.
It would also pass to my kids if I die in the next 30 years.
First paragraph of the Wikipedia page.
Plenty other sources as well. Literally all you need to do is Google/bing/duckduckgo the words “United states digital service”
Ohh snap I read the comments wrong. I totally missed the “the way the guy wishes they did” referring to taxes. Nice catch.
I was explaining how it must be for the guy in the pic. Not how the OP was talking about it. Thanks for the clarification on my fuck up.
I think you may have it wrong on what is happening, this guy isn’t paying less tax than those around him from how i read it. Your area seems to be taxed based on the purchase price and not the assessed value of the property.
From how i read it his taxes have steadily gone up base on home prices and assessments. He pays taxes every year and they are relatively the same as those around him. The problem is that the value has gone up more than it should have due to the local gov wanting to be paid more. Most county commissioners (R/D doesn’t matter) are paid a percentage of what the property tax based on population. This means that if the price goes up then they get paid more. At times these also come from the state instead of a county. This means that they reps are paid based on the tax assessment.
If we make the math easy lets say he paid $30,000 for his house. (I know a city wont be this way but a small house in a rural area works for this also lets assume it was purchased some time ago). The current (as of today) monthly average of Social Security payments is $1976. ($23,712 yearly) This is about $70,000 every 3 years. $70,000/2 is $35,000. Again those payments are based on today and not the last few two years. Based on that math, SS 1976 x 12 (year) $23,712 divided by 2 (half my ss check) thats $11,856. He is essentially being taxed 30% of what he purchased his home for. I know this may not sound like much to some but its not about you in the city working the full time job for x an hour. This post is about a guy who built his home and purchased the lumber piece by piece and built it himself after purchasing the land.
Or it could be argued that the local county or city is taxing them so much they can’t survive and they are essentially taking federal money even though they claim to not need federal money.
But hey I’m just a guy who knows plenty of people who look like this who advocate for better social programs. In most places that have county commissioners, their salary is paid by a percentage of the property tax. This may explain the increase in tax or the increase in allowing too many high density locations that have a property tax associated with them.
Yeah. You put about 3 times the effort on your first point but have a shit ton of sources for your second. Doesn’t add up.
Also Robert Mueller was prevented from looking into the money trail during the investigation that’s why he found nothing. Puppet… maybe not but influenced absolutely. Why the heck would the US government do a 180 on our stance of helping Ukraine after President Trump was elected. “We will still maybe kinda possibly help you but you have to give us your rare minerals and be willing to lose land”
This guy doesn’t want to help Americans. Only those who have tons of money. Anything to help line his pockets and his friends.
He has shut down all information flow for health and scientific research. This means we’re sitting in the dark about potential pandemics and deadly diseases. Mpox and the strain of bird flue being the top two at the moment of many people’s list. This doesn’t even touch the measles outbreak in Texas. Measles had essentially been eradicated, but thanks for the anti-VAX push from the right We’re now dealing with something that the prior generations had worked very hard to eliminate.
That’s a lot of stuff about President Trump and the elections but nothing as far as I see about the bipartisan stance that Ukraine isn’t going to join NATO.
Even worse is that if the state you won in had financial issues they can and will hold payments until the budget is balanced. I recall hearing something about Illinois holding lottery payments when there was a shutdown.