Or use it as a product search engine, then go to the supplier or an alternate online store to buy the one you want. I don’t have it on my phone but do go to it in browser occasionally for that.
Or use it as a product search engine, then go to the supplier or an alternate online store to buy the one you want. I don’t have it on my phone but do go to it in browser occasionally for that.
That’s my thought as well. A one day boycott like the “no shopping day” does literally nothing, but 40 days can reform habits. To the extent practicable, I’m doing all my shopping at Costco now. I generally eat a lot of the same things, so bulk quantities aren’t that big of a deal to manage.
I’m not an economist, but is this where we
Lower interest rates to “help the economy”
Normal people still can’t afford things because we’re in a recession
Normal people start losing their homes
Rich people have cheap loans to buy said homes due to interest rate drops
Rich people rent out new homes to normal people for more than they were paying in mortgage, after normal people rebound or figure out how to make it work with two families in the home
America is…great?
I think it’s a reasonable assessment of the current situation. He wants/they want to put us in a situation where our military must or can be used to restore order. They want to normalize military use against US citizens.