BRAIN: “You are tasked to consider the evidence, and whether it proves BEYOND a reasonable doubt: whether my client is undateable. Is my client… a perfect man? No-”
ME: “She can kill me, yeah.”
BRAIN: “You are tasked to consider the evidence, and whether it proves BEYOND a reasonable doubt: whether my client is undateable. Is my client… a perfect man? No-”
ME: “She can kill me, yeah.”
It’s called being cultured, like cheese. Though art is a bit different as whatever shapes you does so long-term, even if you could zap away issues instantly the memory and thus influence will still be there.
Also health/brain issues for me are likely a bigger detriment than anything, resulting in me doing nothing most of the time (small chores on a good day). So anything created is a rare win in spite of that.
3D printer (FFF).
Didn’t start out too bad. I knew I was having issues but tried an upgrade I shouldn’t have done (because complexity). Upgrade was mostly done too, issue was fan wiring/firmware. I stopped with it there many years ago, so now it’s all dusty.
On top of all the variables/tuning/test prints, equipment/material cost etc. I also just don’t want to sell anything like I once thought I might.
The solution is less cars.
And less car (singular/measurement). Weight and size are multipliers to problems (including cost).
Sure E-bikes are better (bikes are better than that, and walking is the best especially for mixed transit), but there should be incentives to drive the smallest cars. And the giant behemoths we have in the US are like 3-4 classes up, these are a problem all on their own.
OP, is this you?