Yes, I was admittedly tired when I responded to this thread, and then seeing such long winded responses was quite annoying to me.
But I wasn’t trying to goad them, I was just exhausted at having to spend so much time and energy just to make my point, which seemed relatively non-controversial to me when I originally posted it.
Whatever bro. You’re not gonna bring them back. It hasn’t been swept under the rug. And they are hardly the first person to leave the fediverse.
Just gotta move on at this point, you can’t control other servers. They are going to do what they do, and you obviously disagree, as is your right, but at some point you need to accept it and look to the future. You’re not accomplishing anything by continually bitching about what happened in the past.
For the record, I don’t think you’re a transphobe or anything of the sort. I understand your frustration and agitation, but there’s really nothing more to say at this point, just let it go.