Jokes on them. I didn’t hear my alarm today.
Jokes on them. I didn’t hear my alarm today.
Have you all read 1984? First they will make thing illegal. Then they will hide away what is illegal. After that someone will learn something was illegal. Once they are found out, that illegal thing will be completely changed so there is no evidence anything was illegal to begin with.
I would not be shocked if try to scrub these bans so users can’t see if a community was banned.
This wouldn’t be a problem if showrooms for direct to consumer car buying was illegal too.
EDIT: In case you aren’t aware (not sure if this has changed in the last decade), in a handful of states, approximately 17 (maybe less) do not allow direct to consumer dealerships. This means in states that have laws against this, the manufacturers can not operate a dealership which they sell the vehicle. So effectively Tesla must conduct their sales entirely online. Since laws very from state to state, so much as discussing pricing can be illegal. If states are gonna ban the dealerships then why not just make the showrooms illegal too?
Blade Runner: The Final Cut. My favorite movie. If you watch the theatrical cut, shame on you. Seriously don’t do it. Sadly the sequel and related media are all connected to the theatrical cut. They fundamentally changed parts of the lore because of this. Secondly, The Final Cut is the canonical version.
You just reminded me of a joke from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. During the Ireland arc (“The Gangs Still in Ireland”, season 15 episode 6), Mac pursues an interest in becoming a Catholic priest. He ends up asking, in a vaguely worded question if it is okay to be gay. By the end, he basically nopes out when he realizes the priest was referring to relations with young boys.
Considering how closely associated this sect of Christendom is with FLDS, a cult, this isn’t a good image for them.
The guy calling for peace thinks it is okay for anyone to want to continue the violence. Fucking brilliant.
I’m sure many people who are science deniers will point to “the Bible” for facts. Try to quiz them on things in that book, I am sure they couldn’t answer a single question.
And some of them will tell you that pterodactyls are dinosaurs while denying that dinosaurs exist!
Remember, everytime someone tells you speaking out against the state of Israel is antisemitism, just tell them the person in charge employed a Nazi.
Yes, no one has actually seen these numbers before.
EDIT: Trump continues to demonstrate that he either doesn’t understand how numbers work or refuses to accept what the numbers represent. How the fuck is there more than 100%? I’m going to comment on this based on the cropped quote, not having read anything else. You can’t have more than 100%. That would mean the crossings at the boarder completely stopped and in addition to that there are people who decided to give up their citizenship or residency status and leave the country. That just isn’t how numbers work.
Or he is just lying completely or refuses to know what is actually happening.
Got what? I didn’t explain to you what I know.
You’ll have to pay me to tell you what it meant. They didn’t ask for anything specific. Just asked if I knew anything.
So McMahon would be out of a job, right? If there is no such department, they automatically lose their job?
Please tell me the absurdity of this is correct.
You’ll have to pay me to tell you what it is I know and then pay me again to explain it.
If you are still on Reddit, that is pathetic. The API pricing was the reason to leave.
Good, the tariffs that is.
You just happened to remind me of Career Opportunities, a movie about being trapped inside a Target overnight.
Does Loblaw run a law blog by any chance?
I’m not saying you’ll want it, just that it could stop these Tesla showrooms from existing.