I didn’t mean contronyms.
One example of what I mean is the word knight. It used to mean boy or servant. The German word Knecht still means (farmers) servant.
Another is ‘nice’, which used to mean ‘simple, foolish, ignorant’.
I didn’t mean contronyms.
One example of what I mean is the word knight. It used to mean boy or servant. The German word Knecht still means (farmers) servant.
Another is ‘nice’, which used to mean ‘simple, foolish, ignorant’.
There are probably some cases were words changed their meaning from positive to negative. (I know there are in German)
I am not the slightest bit interested in the majority of your post, it is irrelevant.
Thanks for exposing your utter ignorance right in your 1st sentence.
Edit - and you downvote this too. Somebody beat me to it so you were already downvoted before I read this.
Im not sure if you are just trolling for downvotes or if you really believe the crazy ignorant BS you post. If it’s the latter do get some help.
Curiously, this “reality” of yours doesn’t mention any of the metric ton of lies told by Farage, Johnson, etc. For example, that bus claiming millions of pounds would go to the NHS after Brexit. You correctly state People are hurt by conservative policies, however Brits keep voting for them. You could have voted for Corbyn - you chose not to. Instead of keeping to ask for a special deal, after special deal after special deal as Britain did before, and during Brexit, just negotiate like normal people.
what’s the alternative to nuke sharing? Germany builds its own arsenal and you have no stake or say in it whatsoever. Does that sound more appealing to you?
Hier ruhen meine Gebeine,
ich wünscht es wären Deine.
Here lie my bones,
I wish yours would lie here instead.