Let me know if there’s more nuance I missed! It’s been a while since I looked into it.
I don’t think that was why - the special committee report recommended a referendum and switching to Proportional Representation.
Two parties stand to lose the most from that - Liberal and Conservative. NDP, Green, and fringe parties like PPC stand to gain the most, as do the people of Canada, IMO. Trudeau didn’t want it to go to a referendum, because the liberals would lose significant power, and likely never again become a majority party, as there is a not-insignificant portion of people who vote Liberal as an anything-but-conservative approach.
The key part is the majority of ballots cast. Beyond the benefits of MMPR (of which I am fully on board for), we still had a sub 50% voter turnout. If literally half of ontarians can’t be bothered to vote, they’re agreeing to everything else. I place responsibility for trump with those who voted for him and those who didn’t vote - it’s the same in this case.