I disagree, she’s a Horseman of the Apcolypse.
I disagree, she’s a Horseman of the Apcolypse.
The comments in this thread remind me of something, I forget the original medium, but it was about fairy tales.
Paraphrasing, it spoke about how people passed along fairy tales, not because of our belief in dragons existing, but to reassure us that dragons can be defeated.
Also I recommend everyone watch, or rewatch, V for Vendetta. Many may suggest reading it, which is absolutely as valid. However, as a fan of movies, Hugo Weaving’s performance is in a league of it’s own.
It’s time for space and time to go. Black holes suck because reality blows.
-John Goblikon
They’ll beat the drums of nationalism, and try to guilt you. If you flee now, the hundreds of years of oppression will have been in vain. You dare turn your back on the failed revolutions of MLK? Malcolm X? Coward, they’ll say. But I say fuck that noise. You owe them nothing. Get out, before it gets worse. You owe it to you and yours to try and find happiness, if you can.
Edit: This is my 666th comment. I meant to drop it in a christian thread, but I thought I had at least one more. Oh well.
It’s fertilizer for my asparagus garden.
Nazi child of apartheid encourages elevated racial tensions, more at 11.
B-but my exceptionalism!
Yes, and it’s a conscious decision. I’ll ask you not to interrogate, as I get enough shit from my step dad about it already.
He’s teaching the world to be no longer reliant on the US. We’re watching the dismantling of a super power.
Will these deportations ever cease?
“The aid can only be given if the area is safe.”
“Why is the area unsafe?”
“Because of what we’re going to do to you if you don’t capitulate.”
He’s just helping the ukrainian war effort and their manning issues.
He’s just helping the ukrainian war effort and their low recruitment problem.
More soldiers for capitalism will be shuffled into private prisons, as homelessness is illegal in america. Or literal soldiers as people join the military out of desperation.
Not much scarier than a health crisis in a country where healthcare costs have been known to ruin lives. Interesting, seeing as fear has been historically used to influence populations. Same vein as uncertain financial futures, they tend to terrify people.
Why must we be inundated with terrifying outcomes everywhere we turn? Friends and loved ones being snatched off the streets. Making it bureaucratically difficult for certain populations to gather documents needed to leave the country.
Where does it end? Civil war? War with NATO? What fate are we being shuffled towards? One that the history books, under the piercing light of hindsight, will no doubt refer to as, “Regrettable.” Or worse still, “Avoidable.”