I am so happy the Fediverse chick wrote me a DM, which really means Lemmy is growing!
We already have that in German! Morgen and Übermorgen (Über- = over-)
No worries, wasn’t the best one anyway
I just think they look pretty similar
Well of course they are a threat, that’s the whole fucking point you brainiac
This is not an unpopular opinion.
I remember we had some version a year ago (was it 0.18?) that made the whole lemmyverse unreliable. Federation was completely fucked, inage upload was buggy… some instances needed weeks for repairing the damage.
It’s a pretty normal sentence in Germany. If you consider this was only an attempt, it may make more sense to you. Also we don’t do these 2 lifetime plus 50 year sentences like in the US here…
Nice to see how Mint slowly overtook Ubuntu in 2024! Didn’t know Flatpak was a distro though
I don’t think it’s possible yet
Very nice shitpost, you get a like from me. Subscribed!
Willkommen :) bin mir nicht ganz sicher was du meinst, vll. die “angepinnter Post Stecknadel”? Hängt evtl. auch von deinem Client ab
Leipzig I ist an die AfD gefallen mit 25.3%… Nur der Wahlrechtsreform haben wir es zu verdanken, dass der AfD-Vertreter nicht einzieht.
Leipzig II natürlich stabil.
Mein 9jähriges ich wollte einfach nicht verstehen warum die Bilder es nicht auf die Diskette geschafft haben