21 hours agoThe data at downforeveryoneorjustme make it appear that “only lasted for about half an hour” is BS. In fact, they appear to be having problems again this morning.
The data at downforeveryoneorjustme make it appear that “only lasted for about half an hour” is BS. In fact, they appear to be having problems again this morning.
Warren, MICHIGAN. I would like to encourage anyone who posts local news to put clarifying geographical data in the title … I’ve spent so many minutes of my life clicking thru to some local TV station’s story and looking … looking … looking for any sort of clue where the hell they are.
That’s an overly negative take. Yes, there are serious challenges to the production of lab-grown meat; Wikipedia provides a good summary. This isn’t a business that’s ready to take off soon. But humans who are actually smart and do know what they’re doing are working to solve these things.
The challenges are serious, and anyone telling you “world is simple and future is bright” about the future of this industry, yeah, that’s bullshit. I’ve never heard anyone say that, and I don’t know where you heard that from. It might never be a viable industry. But it’s not just a gimmick to keep fleecing VC investors.