Even if these are drivebys, thats a whole lot of people standing around in the street where it happens
They’re also counting people who can hear it, so that’s a few blocks worth of people indoors and out.
Even if these are drivebys, thats a whole lot of people standing around in the street where it happens
They’re also counting people who can hear it, so that’s a few blocks worth of people indoors and out.
They’ve had the ability to garnish your bank accounts, but there are restrictions on when and how they can do that. The only thing stopping the government from accessing your bank account is the law.
Right now, there’s not a lot keeping Musk/Trump from breaking the law.
For those who want more info on this, here’s the wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast
There is no way you can convince me that gentrification is actually good for kids. Property tax funding education does nothing but punish poor families.
Yes, stop protesting if you aren’t willing to protest the right way. There are no steps to be taken in the right direction, you’re either perfect or worthless.
I hated them as soon as I figured out that they were taking material from the public domain, and trying to deny other people the right to use the same public domain material. I think I was in middle school when I ran into their copyright bullshit with my Little Mermaid fanfic after I read the Andersen version.
When has art ever been objective?
They grew up getting their heads shoved into toilets, and are now eager to shove somebody else’s head into the toilet. I’m in my mid-30s, and I absolutely remember the teachers turning a blind eye to a bunch of kids ganging up on me with sticks in middle school, only to get detention for hitting them back with the book of arthurian legends I was trying to read.
We basically got taught that bullying is a good thing the strong do to the weak, and it fucked up multiple generations.
Instead of being blinded by feelings, we need to start working together to craft new narratives for the results we actually want. It’s not even that hard to do.
I once got somebody to think differently about green energy by harassing the power of patriotism. His initial argument basically boiled down to “new is scary and I don’t see why we need to change anyways”, and I hit him with a “what are you talking about, innovation is what made america great”, and I could see the loading icon spin in his brain.
I’ve also gotten conservative family in on medicare-for-all by pointing out that the military maybe doesn’t have enough healthy citizens to pull from if a crisis happened, and if we’re gonna be serious about national defense, we absolutely need national healthcare.
I don’t know whether entheogen was the material in question.
En-theo-gen, where ‘theo’ is the same as ‘theology’, roughly means ‘to commune with god’, so it’s any psychoactive substance used religiously. It covers everything from the wine in christian communion to a witch’s psychoactive sybian, haha.
Forgot to thank you for the clearly knowledgeable response!
Any time!
I’m pretty sure him wanting to send ADHD people there are why he’s not calling them concentration camps.
I’d fess up about it. You were acting irrationally, and it’s going to be better to hear the confession from you, and not learning about this because somebody on IG reached out to him. Because it was a livestream, you can’t really hide it anyways, there’s receipts.
This is honestly the sort of stuff that therapy is really good for, but I know therapy can be inaccessible, so no hate if it’s not something you can do.
A’ight, girl to girl advice here. I think you’re so afraid that your partner is going to turn into a replica of your ex that you’re willing to nuke the relationship first.
What you’ve said in your post doesn’t really have much to do with your bf. Your ex would compare you to other girls, but has your current bf done that? Your dad would fight with you instead of talking, but does your bf do that?
I just feel like I give so much of myself and my happiness, even faking it all the time, to not feel it in return.
Stop faking it. Worst-case scenerio, people assume you’re acting a certain way to manipulate them, and that’s not really wrong. They can’t read minds, so they don’t know you’re hiding insecurity, they just know you’re hiding something.
You also can’t give out fake and expect genuine in return. I’d be willing to bet that some of the friction you’re feeling is from people trying to fake it back. If you want to trust a partner that trusts you, you can’t have fake getting in the way.
It sounds like a few different things got mashed together there. Ergot is a hallucinogenic fungus that grows on rye, and is speculated to be the cause of some of the witch panics. It’s not the same fungus found in Roquefort, but it is what they use to make LSD.
Witches flying is hypothesized to be entheogen use, since a common side effect is feelings of floating, flying, or otherwise ‘being high’.
Okay, because “we shouldn’t give children access to porn” is the exact argument they use against LGBT folks.
Do you think drag queen storytime counts as porn that children shouldn’t be exposed to?
Be the change you want to see
I was raised in the New Apostolic Reformation, so I was deep deep into crazyland. It made a lot of promises that never happened and made a lot of statements that didn’t line up. It took a few years, and there was a LOT of resistance on my end, but I eventually realized that one side was going to make my life better, and one side would make my life worse.
The hardest part of deradicalizing people is keeping a level head, because coming at it with anger is playing into the indoctrination. I was raised to believe that people were going to hate me for speaking the truth, and that the anger I was getting was evidence that the cult was correct. This is where the persecution fetishism comes from, they’re trying to convince their brain in lieu of facts. Getting internet hate is like a meditative litany in a way, it’s seen as a digital analogue to a scourge purging the weakness from you and leaving only the pure fire of god behind. I honestly wouldn’t have gotten out if it weren’t for my gaming group believing I could be a cool person, and taking the time to educate me instead of just kicking me or hurling hot takes at me.
I’m now big on Street Epistemology as a framework for deradicalization.
Personally, I believe it because I was a reactionary that changed my mind when presented with information. It’s not as rare as the doomers make it out to be.
What’s with the Hewlett Packard Enterprises badging at the top?