I’m not American, it just happens that where I live everyone is quoting from Gramsci’s cultural hegemony at the moment. ^^
My point is you don’t need to leak to matter, or do anything illegal. The simple fact that powerful institutions are staffed with people who share your ideology is helpful to you. (I do have a lot of respect for leakers though)
Right, I should make myself clearer. I’m no expert in economics, I just try to build a reasoning based on what I know.
The context of his statement is that Russia is outproducing the West in ammunition, specifically artillery shells. Earlier he states Russia is producing 4 millions shell a year compared to .5 for the US. So without qualification, the statement implies Russians are somehow 80x superior as they produce 8 times more with an economy a tenth the size.
I feel he should have qualified his statement to improve reader understanding:
Because he didn’t provide this context to the number he is giving, I thought that either he wanted to misled or he was not sufficiently informed, and assumed the more charitable option.