Don’t feel too bad about it, remarkably few countries really do have democracy (even though many have more of it than the US).
This seems like a pretty obvious one: We have democracy.
Why do people find it acceptable to use the bizarre word “sideloading” for the fundamental operation of “installing one’s own software on one’s own device”?
I read weekly newspapers. I used to read Morgenbladet, now I read NZZ am Sonntag, and there are many others to choose from, but getting away from trying to find something engaging each day solves a lot of problems.
She was most likely not an engineer. Do you have any evidence to show that she was?
Now there you have one more pet peeve of mine, language preference settings that pretend that all language versions are equal, that shitty translations aren’t abundant. If the original text is in a language that I can read then I want the original, not some shitty translation. It shouldn’t be that hard!
Geolocation is an accurate way to predict the user’s language.
Now that’s a pet peeve of mine, a bizarre belief surprisingly often held by people, who must be oblivious to the existence of tourism.
Imagine living in a country with the face of a felon rapist traitor on our currency.
From my experience travelling the world, that’s not particularly uncommon. The US doesn’t have to feel singled out for having such people on their bank notes.