Why do they have to make fun of republicans?
Why do they have to make fun of republicans?
It’s also ironic that BG3 is continuation of Bioware’s own franchise.
Well problem is they retain a control of the unlocking and can change the rules any time (like Xiaomi and others).
Disappointed to see Fairphone in the shit category.
Very good resource. Will refer to it in the future. I made a mistake of buying an expensive xiaomi phone on the grounds that it should be unlockable… Not really. The hoops I had to jump through were designed to be non-jump-through-able. I unlocked it after more then three months of trying, via unofficial exploit.
Yes, I do. Don’t assume. If they win or lose is irrelevant. If they win, it will not be used for some glorious precedent forever pushing against the governments asking to compromise all software solutions, it will be just a saved implementation time for apple and a pr boost for them among people who don’t know better. If they lose, it will be yet another trust and security issue with a closed proprietary unauditable product noone security minded should be using anyway, by a shit company with ties to fascist, willingly cooperating with PRISM and who knows what other programs, in a rogue state which is a part of Five Eyes.
I liked the movie, but my (small) kids cried a lot during and after the movie.
They can win it in a way that will still benefit only them and not you.
It’s irrelevant what fascism collaborators do as their side job. Fuck apple.
Right… But the digital feudalism seems to be well into transformation into regular feudalism and regular people don’t seem to notice.
Of course the fascists invented a dismissive phrase to label anyone objecting against them.
Oh my, you had me just now realize: As long as US aid is coming into the Ukraine, putin is finally right: he is, technically, fighting against nazis - US.
Of course they did. We have a similar agreed upon rule in our house regarding kids, whenever they do something bonkers: “First, the photos, then the kids”.