Get Elong the fuck out of our retirement funds, daFUQ?!
Get Elong the fuck out of our retirement funds, daFUQ?!
Gee, it’s almost as if all that bribe money ehhem I mean campaign finance donations have corrupted and shackled the Dems into consistently losing strategies.
That is a dismally low bar which Biden tripped over and Kamala could hardly clear. It obviously wasn’t enough.
Pretty sure it’s illegal for them to knowingly finance terrorists. The egregious pardons don’t change the facts of the matter at the time of Jan 6, it was an armed insurrection which resulted in loss of life and property.
Worst jobs program ever, all you need is a good metal detector and that’s it. The security theater after 9/11 has been and always will be a joke.
He’s just going to get ketchup and Big Mac grease all over the priceless historical document…what’s the big deal?!
I’m American, and don’t blame you one bit.
Yep. Impeach because it’s the right thing to do, and get all the Repugs on record defending the Traitor Trump.
Welcome to lemmy, have fun!
The problem with retirement accounts is they inevitably get invested in index funds with for profit corporations underlying. These are the same corpos who are buying politicians and twisting the system that’s supposed to serve us into serving them instead. They’re always looking to privatize the gains and socialize the losses.
Enough is enough. Corporations are not people!
This would be such a great protest action, if only Dems had half a brain and could organize themselves. Unfortunately their donors are giving money to republicans this cycle, so without those people telling Dems what to do, they simply don’t have any plan. It’s truly pathetic.
Alternatively, all Dems could have stayed completely absent from this joint address. Having their half of the aisle totally empty and just leaving it to the Republican pep rally it was would have been more powerful than the stupid stickers.
Or, pick one or two egregious things Trump said, and have 10-12 top Dems go on all the news shows the following day to lambast him. “These bastards are cutting funding for cancer research! Why don’t they want us to find cures for cancer?!” Not only is this a true and valid criticism of the irresponsible cuts, this would make a huge wave in the media if a bunch of them did it at the same time, but they’re just too damn feckless.
Here’s the thing though: the end goal of all this madness is a $4.5 trillion tax cut for the rich. That’s literally all Trump wants to do, in addition to grifting millions for himself along the way. Guess who is an incredibly rich body due to their rampant insider trading (legal for them btw), and insane level of corrupt bribe money flowing in? Yep, the Dems. So perhaps they’re incentivized to not fight back too hard on this agenda after all.
Bad actress, 1/5
It’s totally this, the stench must have been overpowering on that fateful night.
It’s Russian style elections from here on out, where the numbers are made up and the votes don’t matter.
And yet, the purpose of a system is what it does.
Would love to abolish the EC and add ranked choice voting nationally.
The Dems are so cooked, this is sad. They just refuse to learn (because they’ve already made their millions as corporate stooges.)
We need a new leftist party, it’s the only way out of this mess.
It would need to be a leftist party to encourage the two main parties to be better. Centrism like Yang’s just leads to ratchet effect dragging the Overton window further towards right wing extremism, we’ve literally watched this happen in real time over the past 40 years.
Nobody pushing genocide is worthy of votes or support.
It was incumbent on Dems to EARN votes, and they failed spectacularly. You’re wrong to try blaming voters for failings of our corrupt politicians.
The 2025 earnings tax cap for social security is $176k.
If those richest among us, like Elon who makes billions per year, had to pay social security tax on a larger percentage of their earnings, or on all of it like those of us making less than $176k annually, the system would easily be solvent in perpetuity. The only reason it’s potentially at risk is because rich assholes have lobbied successfully in order to not pay into it.
Brain worm is taking over his already feeble mind.