I tried that and it still autoplays :(
I tried that and it still autoplays :(
Keep her alive and fix her wounds?
I love Rogue Trader so much.
I wish more of the game was like act 2. That’s where the game really shines
What’s with the spray under “argument”?
I’m still rocking a 6800. I should see what the improvement is. The VRAM would be nice for genai stuff
Yeah I’ll believe it when I see the trend last more than a month or 2
Honestly that Zelda game is my favorite for how absolutely ugly it is. I can’t make heads or tails of what’s going on in it.
You’re better off watching videos. The games are all notoriously bad.
An emulator also isn’t going to give you the experience of dropped inputs that the CDI was known for.
I think the simpsons really came into its own in season 3.
True love