The difference is I would leave the door open for them to come back to reason, maybe even give them the benefit of the doubt. But the people purposely manipulating then are, I think, beyond forgiveness.
The difference is I would leave the door open for them to come back to reason, maybe even give them the benefit of the doubt. But the people purposely manipulating then are, I think, beyond forgiveness.
You’re 100% entitled (and right) to feel that way. But there are a lot of lies these people have been fed, often from birth, about for example white supremacy etc. that only education can really erase. Education is withheld by the same liars that profit from the hatred they whip up.
Now I’m not advocating for the softly, softly approach with them, I’m all for punching Nazis, and it’s ultimately up to the individual what to believe. But these drones aren’t the right target, it’s the monsters that made them that way and hide behind them, the people in power advocating for e.g. religion and ethnonationalism to increase their power and profits. They are the root cause. And their first victims are these ignorant sheep forming a human shield around them. If I were to explain how much contempt I have for those people this would be a massive text wall that probably breaks Lemmy TOS.
James O’Brien isn’t my favourite talking head, but I do like his idea of having contempt for the conmen and compassion for the conned. These people have swallowed a lot of big lies and the fault is with the liars.
I don’t think that’s right. You might be thinking of sociopathy or borderline? Me and all my auties feel empathy.