so what ends up happening is that it just becomes a breeding ground for fascism.
I’ve never seen this myself. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but it’s likely blown way out of proportion by the people children who can’t tolerate opposing viewpoints.
so what ends up happening is that it just becomes a breeding ground for fascism.
I’ve never seen this myself. Not saying it doesn’t happen, but it’s likely blown way out of proportion by the people children who can’t tolerate opposing viewpoints.
Can you people stop trying to browbeat others into supporting your agendas?
Not everyone has to agree with you on every online forum.
Yeah, I haven’t bought a game in years. Wish I could refund or resell most of the games I bought on Steam, but oh well. Live and learn.
Sailing the high seas has been a breath of fresh air. It’s nice to have greater ownership over my software than the rubes who pay for theirs, lol. And it’s cheaper!
Those other people don’t have to use Steam’s service if they don’t want to pay Steam a cut.
The entitlement among developers on Steam is atrocious. I think a lot of useful idiots were pushing alternative storefronts years ago in no small part because they’ve been conditioned to accept a worse experience so someone else can take more of their money.
Honestly, that’s really smart. It shows which businesses are playing the long game and which ones aren’t.
When democrats are back in office and businesses start re-instating DEI, Costco can always say they never got rid of them.
What a myopic view of the world.
Anyone can start a business and treat their employees and customers fairly. It’s just that in our Stockholm Syndrome Society, the businesses who abuse us are the most successful.
Really we just to implement an open protocol that launchers and games can both support.
And there’s always torrenting. Denuvo doesn’t actually stop games from being cracked.
Heck, I just cut out the middleman and go straight to torrenting.
Wish I had thought to do this sooner. I would’ve saved a lot of money that really just ended up in the hands of landlords.
Honestly, I’ve been weaning myself off Steam for awhile now. It’s great what they did to make PC gaming more accessible, but I also feel like Steam itself is an unnecessary dependency for most video games.
There should be protocols that games can implement to integrate with launchers and organize playing online.
I think Steam might be the only private company in this.
Really says a lot.
If you want to collectively own houses, nobody is stopping you.
Have you heard of supply and demand?
This is where your entitlement kicks in. You think that you should magically get access to high-value, low-supply properties before the people living in the areas you deem “not good enough” for you. You already have more than the people living in these areas, yet you think you deserve even more before them.
Greed. Entitlement. Consumerism. Name three bigger pillars of the modern liberal. (and don’t say empathy, you people care more about your money and social status than actually helping others.)
And you’re going to get mad at anyone who calls it out.
Can’t say I expected more from you.
Glad I can recognize stupidity when I see it these days.
This person has no idea what he’s talking about and we should all ignore him accordingly.
Owning a house isn’t that expensive.
I own one. It’s so much cheaper than renting it’s not even funny. I could pay someone to do all the work I don’t want to and still come out so far ahead it’s not even funny.
Renting is a scam and only useful idiots and scammers defend it.
Because there is nothing immoral or unethical about having multiple rental property.
Wrong. Nobody should have extra houses to “rent out” while hardworking citizens can’t afford a single house of their own.
The reason why we don’t have enough is because they have too much.
Stop being a useful idiot. It’s falling out of fashion.
Got ratted out by a mcdonald’s worker.
Even if there’s more income it’s impossible for young people to save and I hate it.
That’s the point. It’s why I always laugh whenever someone says “they’re a business and they need to make money!”
It’s like, that money is just going to the landlords of their employees more often than not. We can hopefully see how that rhetoric is a roundabout way of defending the profits of people taking advantage of us.
The working class has really sold itself out.
Not really. If we’re living at or below a standard that is attainable for us all, then we’re not part of the problem.
We don’t have to go off into the woods or subsistence farm. That’s a distraction put by the ruling class for useful idiots to believe so they think it’s all-or-nothing.
Magnitude matters. Just because you have more doesn’t mean you need to spend more, and that’s what the people you’re defending are doing.
That said, I live a very modest life in a very modest area. I could spend more, if I wanted to. I could make more if I took more advantage of others. I choose not to because that would make me part of the culture we should be trying to change.