The complaint is that they’re a leech on society, and proud of it.
It doesn’t matter if a practice is ancient and common. So is organized crime. Being old and normalized doesn’t imply it has value.
There is absolutely huge moral and ethical, and pragmatic, issues with hoarding essential resources, such as housing. Homelessness is a growing problem, and these people are gladly treating it as a money-making scheme. Society would be better if they had productive jobs instead. As a collective, landlords are responsible for systematic preventable homelessness and death. Most moral frameworks consider that very bad!
The middle class? As far as I’m concerned, the two important classes are the worker class and the owner class, and the leeches can’t survive without the host. If there are people tricked into thinking they’re a middle class above us, they’d better figure out that they’re a thousand times closer to us than to them, hopefully before our collective desperation turns to violence.
Technically speaking, there’s the Green Party and PSL on federal ballots for many states, but the electoral system is positioned so that there’s no foreseeable way that a party other than the two main ones could realistically win. So for all intents and purposes, there’s no federal left-wing option.