The internet cannot download more RAM into your PC. (Sssh! Don’t tell them! I don’t want the supply to run out!)
The internet cannot download more RAM into your PC. (Sssh! Don’t tell them! I don’t want the supply to run out!)
That means Bedrock unless you use the Geyser tool someone else mentioned to allow Bedrock to connect to Java but I have no experience with that and am not sure how reliably it would actually work as they are quite different versions of the game. I have no idea how it would handle mods that are not supported by the Bedrock clients for example.
Ground News is also Canadian, they’re just an aggregator not a publisher but I still find it helpful.
Defend CBC to your family and friends and coworkers if you can. We’re probably not really the target audience for misinformation, but they might be,. Their votes count and they can spread that misinformation too
<Nelson> Ha-Ha!
First you need to understand the difference between Bedrock edition and Java edition. Bedrock is for consoles, phones and Windows, it’s the default version that Microsoft pushes now. It’s not compatible with Java clients or Java servers. So if you’re planning to have the kid play on Switch or something like that, it’s not going to work.
Assuming you’re clear on all that, you have a few options for Java servers, you can run a plain jane vanilla server (the one that Microsoft provides) fairly easily but it has some limitations, and it’s not the most manageable solution. Modded servers are much more capable and flexible but also can be a little more complex in some cases. Overall, I’ve found Purpur the easiest and most sustainable choice at least a few years ago when I was looking for the right choice it seemed like most people agreed this was the best option. Fabric is another great option, especially if you want to use mods! Fabric has a huge modding ecosystem, second only to Forge.
However I also need to mention that I’ve got a heavily modded Forge-based server running right now and I really didn’t find that any more difficult to set up than any of the others. Even though people usually complain about forge being “difficult” somehow. So take that for what it’s worth. I think it doesn’t really matter THAT much which server software you use unless you have specific requirements around things like mods, spawn protection, and other kinds of configuration that are probably most useful for large, public servers.
If you do want to run a bedrock server, it gets a little more complicated as you might have to break some things out of the walled garden. I haven’t had a lot of success with that but I understand it is possible.
Me neither. I don’t negotiate with economic terrorists and I don’t give in to bullies. This is not a game.
Yeah it’s like the guy in Wyoming who passed an anti-trans law saying that it’s not required to use preferred pronouns to refer to somebody and then getting all upset when he was called “madam” and whining that his preferred pronoun is “chairman”. That leopard eating your face must hurt.
Even if there were some woman as hellbent on destroying civilization as these guys, then she’s a techbro. And if she gets mad about being called techbro because she’s a woman? Well, how sad for her. “My heart goes out to you”
We’re not trying to make them happy. Fuck them, fuck them all. If it makes them mad to be called a “bro” good, that’s a bonus.
Celebrate and protect the CBC! They are biased, but all media is biased no matter how much it tries not to be, and the worst ones try to hide it. The CBC does not hide its bias but does not generally let it obscure the actual facts, and if you think it does don’t even bother trying to argue with me you can just fuck right off and go watch your “truthful fox news” which certainly won’t obscure any facts for you.
It is your job as an informed citizen and consumer of media to think critically about the inherent bias of every source and adjust your interpretation accordingly, not to ignore valid sources entirely.
I’m hesitant to pimp Ground News here even though I already sound like an advertisement for them, but I do have to point out they are also Canadian, so if you want a broader perspective maybe they can help with that. Full disclosure: I do personally have a Ground News subscription, and it has changed the way I approach news sources, but I honestly don’t think anyone needs it as long as you are willing to think critically about the media you consume. The bias is usually obvious right from the front page. You don’t have to be a genius to put the pieces of the puzzle together to figure out what narrative a given news source is trying to promote.
Nextcloud is self-hostable or paid/managed services and either will work with an Android app that works just fine for me. It will sync whatever you ask it to, if you tell it to sync a whole folder it will sync the whole folder.
Of course. They will pump and dump that too, over and over again, with your tax dollars in the “reserve” taking the hit each time while they embezzle what will probably eventually be trillions, just wait, they will not stop looting America until there is nothing left to loot.
I absolutely would not count on a snapped in half MicroSD to protect the data that’s on it from someone determined to find out what it was. You don’t even know if you actually managed to break the memory chips themselves or just the connections between them, which with time and patience and the right equipment could be reconnected, and even if the chips are broken a great deal of the data on them will still remain intact, etched in silicon for eternity and vulnerable not only to current technology but also future technology.
Your goal is turning the data stored on your MicroSD card into a puzzle. A 2 piece puzzle is likely quite solvable even today. To properly vaporize the card and make it actually unreadable you’d likely need to do some experimentation and try things you would potentially have access to in war like fire, gunfire, explosives or corrosive chemicals, some combinations of which may serve to well and truly annihilate any hint of structure. The question is how many tiny pieces can you break that MicroSD card into, if that number is a human-countable or even human-comprehensible number like the number of pieces a document typically gets shredded into, then it’s probably not safe enough to consider it reliably destroyed.
If people can tape back together shredded documents to get the basic idea of what was written on them, someone can likewise theoretically repair your MicroSD to get a large proportion of the stored data from it if they are absolutely intent on doing so. It’s probably a lot of work, and maybe not even a not-worth-it amount of work depending on how important your data might be, and there might be a substantial amount of data unrecoverable and missing, but it can be done. Unless you make it a puzzle with so many pieces that doing so is mathematically implausible and just as likely to be an incorrect reconstruction of data that might say anything the reconstructor imagines it does, without actually giving them any confidence that it is real and correct. The only thing that’s certain is that 2 is probably not a good enough number of pieces to rely on for that to be the case.
As an alternative to the fire/gunfire/explosives/acid style methods, you might also use sandpaper (would take awhile), or better yet a grinder tool of some sort (dremel, angle grinder, bench grinder) to give yourself some confidence that the card has truly been turned to a pile of arbitrary dust. Even then, I’d still concerns as the data density increases, a single speck of MicroSD dust from a 1TB card shredded into millions of pieces might still contain 1 MB of data – that’s an awful lot of text and even potentially some images if it can be decoded. They really prove surprisingly hard to destroy. Electrical attacks, even Microwave ovens, reportedly have mixed results and don’t sound like reliable approaches either.
If you can get it to a molten state, that’s your highest confidence method. Silicon has a melting point of 1,414 °C, good luck.
If you’re making an argument about efficiency, the massive inefficiency of hundreds of countries making redundant efforts and frequently failing, sometimes disastrously, far outweighs the cost of transportation of most things. Ships in particular are an incredibly efficient form of bulk transport and are likely only going to get more efficient. In theory, they could be completely wind powered – they used to be, and yes that would make it less reliable and much slower but we could manage that if we needed to. Shipping can easily go green, or at least much greener than it already is, it is simply a choice, and one that we should start to make soon.
But globalization is also about so much more than just financial efficiency and energy efficiency. Globalization interconnects countries. It makes them less likely to wage war. It generally encourages the harmonization of laws and governance, it forces us to work together to find a mutually acceptable path forward and that is the right path to be going down long-term. At least when it’s not abused. True global unity is going to become an essential requirement as our civilization moves into the solar system, we will already have more than enough problems up there without bringing our old problems from down here. This is not optional, this is a mandatory stepping stone into the only future that makes sense, the only future that seems like a bright one.
If you hate the inefficiency of transporting stuff globally, you should see how wasteful war is, and then you should imagine what it would be like on an interplanetary scale.
We are all one people, it’s time we start acting like it. Globalization is one of the essential steps in doing that. We cannot skip it.
Globalization IS a good thing. Many people didn’t like globalization and free trade because while being a huge productivity boost overall it was also a large wealth transfer to many of the poorest nations on Earth. And they used this math to make some very convincing arguments that we were “falling behind” and “living standards were declining” and maybe in some cases the speed of that wealth transfer did go too far. But mostly what was really happening was simply that other countries were catching up and this is not a bad thing unless you consider those people sub-human.
I don’t consider people in other countries sub-human so I think our goal should be to make the entire world a nice and equitable place to live for everybody, because having a nice world that everyone can live in benefits us personally and the rising tide will lift all boats and we can finally start to put all this horror and war and injustice behind us and try to focus on things that actually improve our civilization together. This is not a zero sum game, we do not have to steal from the very poor to make our own poor richer, we can gradually fix the historical inequality to bring everybody up to the same level without causing too much stress to ourselves if we just adjust our expectations a little and frame it in the right way.
The thing that was actually bad about free trade was that some very non-democratic, non-free countries abused it, monopolized manufacturing of entire industries and bribed us with very cheap products about it so we didn’t mind very much. We let our enemies, actual enemies who abuse their own populations and want to destroy us and take everything in the world for themselves and abuse us too, use it against us. It’s not free trade that’s bad, it’s the tyrants running these evil despotic regimes that we are too lazy and peaceful to do anything about. They lied to us and pretended that they were being reasonably democratic and we knew they were sort of lying but we gave them a passing grade anyway and let them carry on. Nobody minds that they torture their own people or work them to death when they’re importing their nice cheap goods at a great price.
It seems like we hoped that if we provided them a good economy, freedom would follow. But that’s putting the cart before the horse. Freedom must come first, then economy can follow. By tolerating evil, by letting free trade support and provide for that evil, we allowed that evil to infect us and now we’re feeling the pain of what evil left unchecked will do to the world.
So now it’s time to prepare for a war to defeat evil once again, because we let it happen.
Finland is the best in the world at building icebreakers. Even the Russians, with the largest and most sophisticated icebreaker fleet in the world, get theirs built by Finland.
Sounds good to me. That said it would also be nice to have some backup capability to build these kind of ships in our own country, or at least ensure we have the ability to maintain and upgrade them. Maybe we could partner with Finland to add our nuclear technology to their icebreaker expertise and provide some actual value to the world.