I’m both cases my view on the people is the same: they do understand. The information has always been there and publicised. People wanted this.
We don’t like what they want and we call them dumb, but it is no easy task to effectively use propaganda on this many people. It’s also easy to label people “stupid”, which is not true. This mindset genuinely exists. America is a Trump supporting nation. UK is a Brexit supporting nation (I don’t know if current regret surveys would translate into votes, Reform has more support than ever and it is increasing, and surveys last time also predicted that the majority didn’t support Brexit).
There have been a lot of podcasts looking academically how this polarisation and thinking has come about in the last 2 decades. I’m really interested in getting to the bottom of answers of how people are so convinced like this rather than the simplistic and inaccurate conclusion that “they are all dumb”.
Are you the actual OP here? I hope this isn’t just someone else’s content posted from elsewhere.
This is so great to hear. Own it. Your response is great. Your feet are huge. Take up a martial art with a lot of kicking.