Just imagine if something deadlier than the covid virus infiltrated this country. And somebody developed a vaccine for it and these idiots wouldn’t take it.
Oh wait, has anybody heard about what’s happening in the Congo lately? 😒
Just imagine if something deadlier than the covid virus infiltrated this country. And somebody developed a vaccine for it and these idiots wouldn’t take it.
Oh wait, has anybody heard about what’s happening in the Congo lately? 😒
I agree with the principal of personal boycotts, though not effective in doing anything to affect the companies that you are boycotting, are necessary. But OP is right. For instance I have been boycotting Chick-fil-A for the last 10 years because I don’t agree with their homophobic attitude. But it has zero effect on their bottom line because no one else boycotts them or even cares. I think the kesson is that you should not expect any kind of real outcome from your personal boycott of a company. You should just be satisfied that you are not personally supporting that company.
Yeah reddit’s days are pretty numbered at this point. This shit is ridiculous.
He’ll still retain his shares. Which is the source of his wealth.
For my money I’m going to throw a goddamn party if this cursed stock hits double digits.
I wonder what this is going to do to the value of the US dollar?
This guy’s actual problem isn’t that his property taxes have gone way up. His problem is that his income, that is say social security, has not kept pace with the inflated cost of property taxes. And of course it hasn’t kept up with any of the other inflationary costs we are dealing with today as well. And this is something that has hit everyone else because the average wage has not kept up with inflation either.
Has nothing to do with “uprooting families”. Average American families are not the ones grossly overestimating the values of their property. It’s people like Trump who use overestimated values on their properties in order to hide money and grift people into paying him more than properties are actually worth. And then readjusting to actual values, or lower, in order to dodge taxes.
Edit: my reply was not an endorsement of OP’s property assessment plan. I was only speaking to our frustration with the rich who hoard wealth in the form of land and use overinflated valuations of their property to increase their wealth at the expense of everyone else. And even though OP’s idea is flawed there is merit in the idea of altering the way property value is determined.
I don’t need to care. I stopped using Google search months ago.
What kind of world have we come into where Hacker News is a pro corporation website?
Hackers used to be the antithesis of big corporations and capitalist overreach.
I think it stands for mindlessly Lenninist.