1. Don’t be a dick.
  2. If you have to be a dick, be the least amount possible.
  3. Failing that, see 1.
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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2020

  • Not to nitpick too much 🙂, but saying “class warfare” is a fringe issue is super fucking dark to me. We’re literally in the process of seeing the final form of class divisions and you say its “fringe.”

    Not only that, but the other fringe issue you reference are either already coopted by Rs (identity politics) or just valid concerns ranging from empathy for fellow humans (trans issues) to the actual existential (climate change).

    The Dems don’t work because they are already purchased by donors, and not actually representative of their constituents. They ran on those fringe ideas and have won popularly nearly every time in those places where identity politics hasn’t completely swallowed everyone’s collective reasoning skills.
