I play guitar, watch USMLR and NHL, occasionally brew beer, enjoy live music and travel, and practice sarcasm.
Mastodon - @baronvonj@mas.to
Pixelfed - @baronvonj@pixelfed.social
Shut the fuck up, Donnie Jr.
I wasn’t saying our current Congress will do the right thing here. If they redefine the SCOTUS thru federal legislation then they’re legally in the right even while they’re morally bankrupt. I just don’t think the 9 justices will allow acknowledge reducing their own power on the bench if they are not legally bound to do so by Congress. Not when they seem to be ok with expanding their power on the bench (president is immune to prosecution, but only if we say so).
Would love to abolish the EC and add ranked choice voting nationally.
💯 And mail-in ballots for all voters, and all races have a “none of the above” option, and an actual majority from all eligible voters is required to win, and if “none of the above” wins the election we do a new election with all new candidates.
The Electoral College was put in place, at least in part, exactly to stop the public at large from electing someone like Trump.
I didnt say I think Congress wouldn’t do it. The SCOTUS would have no choice if Congress does it properly, albeit for the wrong reason. But we’ve already seen SCOTUS rule against Trump this term. So I don’t think they’d go along with weakening the strength of their individual vote on the bench without Congress doing it properly.
I don’t think SCOTUS would dilute their own power by seating more judges if there wasn’t a Congressional Act to legally change the size of the court, which is set by federal law.
I hate the idea of “personal” time. It doesn’t belong to my job by default. It’s all my personal time. If they want any of it they will need to pay.